weekly news - 20230210

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Feb 10 12:35:26 CET 2023


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (4)
        judy-1.0.5: a sparse dynamic array
    quazip-qt6-1.3: C++ wrapper over minizip for qt5 and qt6
   texstudio-4.5.1: Qt6 Fork of the LaTeX IDE TexMaker
  userspace-rcu-0.13.2: Userspace RCU (read-copy-update) library

Removed modules: (1)

New versions: (43)
  aom                     :           3.5.0 ->           3.6.0
  ccache                  :           4.7.1 ->           4.7.4
  cifs-utils              :            6.15 ->             7.0
  cmake                   :          3.24.1 ->          3.25.2
  exiv2                   :          0.27.5 ->          0.27.6
  git                     :          2.37.1 ->          2.39.1
  gst-plugins-bad         :          1.21.3 ->          1.22.0
  gst-plugins-base        :          1.21.3 ->          1.22.0
  gst-plugins-good        :          1.21.3 ->          1.22.0
  gst-plugins-ugly        :          1.21.3 ->          1.22.0
  gst-python              :          1.21.3 ->          1.22.0
  gstreamer               :          1.21.3 ->          1.22.0
  htop                    :           3.2.1 ->           3.2.2
  inkscape                :           1.2.1 ->           1.2.2
  Kvantum                 :           1.0.7 ->           1.0.8
  libgusb                 :           0.4.0 ->           0.4.5
  libva                   :          2.15.0 ->          2.17.0
  lxqt-build-tools        :          0.11.0 ->          0.12.0
  mariadb                 :          10.9.3 ->         10.10.3
  media-types             :           8.0.0 ->           9.0.0
  ncurses                 :             6.3 ->             6.4
  netdata                 :          1.33.1 ->          1.38.0
  ntfs-3g                 :       2022.5.17 ->       2022.10.3
  openal                  :          1.22.0 ->          1.23.0
  OpenColorIO             :           2.1.2 ->           2.2.1
  opencv                  :           4.6.0 ->           4.7.0
  poppler                 :         22.09.0 ->         23.02.0
  poppler-data            :          0.4.11 ->          0.4.12
  postgresql              :            14.5 ->            15.2
  python2-regex           :       2020.7.28 ->      2021.11.10
  python-cryptography     :          38.0.4 ->          39.0.1
  python-pycairo          :          1.21.0 ->          1.23.0
  qtermwidget             :           1.1.0 ->           1.2.0
  sane-backends           :           1.1.1 ->           1.2.1
  SDL2                    :          2.26.2 ->          2.26.3
  SDL2_image              :           2.6.2 ->           2.6.3
  SDL2_mixer              :           2.6.2 ->           2.6.3
  SDL2_ttf                :          2.20.1 ->          2.20.2
  texinfo                 :           7.0.1 ->           7.0.2
  tig                     :           2.5.7 ->           2.5.8
  xfsprogs                :          5.13.0 ->          5.19.0
  yt-dlp                  :      2023.01.02 ->      2023.01.06
  zvbi                    :          0.2.39 ->          0.2.40


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