weekly news - 20230804

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Aug 4 12:35:19 CEST 2023


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (8)
  libprocps-3.3.17: procps 3.x libraries
   ocaml-bos-0.2.1: support interaction with the operating system in ocaml
  ocaml-cairo-0.6.4: ocaml bindings for cairo
  ocaml-domain-local-await-0.2.1: A scheduler independent blocking mechanism
  ocaml-logs-0.7.0: logging infrastructure for ocaml
  ocaml-react-1.2.2: Declarative events and signals for OCaml
  ocaml-result-1.5: ocaml compatibility result module
  ocaml-thread-table-0.1.0: lock-free thread-safe integer keyed hash table

New versions: (183)
                          :           3.7.0 ->           3.7.1
  advancecomp             :             2.1 ->             2.5
  alsa-lib                :           1.2.8 ->           1.2.9
  alsa-utils              :           1.2.7 ->           1.2.9
  ansible                 :           7.1.0 ->           8.2.0
  ansible-core            :          2.14.1 ->          2.15.2
  binutils                :            2.40 ->            2.41
  blosc                   :          1.21.3 ->          1.21.4
  bluedevil               :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  blueman                 :           2.2.3 ->           2.3.5
  bluez-5                 :            5.67 ->            5.68
  brave-bin               :        1.52.126 ->         1.56.14
  breeze                  :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  breeze-grub             :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  breeze-gtk              :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  btrfs-progs             :          5.19.1 ->           6.3.3
  bullet3                 :            3.24 ->            3.25
  bzflag                  :          2.4.22 ->          2.4.26
  bzrtp                   :          5.2.64 ->          5.2.93
  cabextract              :            1.10 ->            1.11
  calcmysky               :           0.3.0 ->           0.3.1
  cfitsio                 :           4.2.0 ->           4.3.0
  clifm                   :             1.4 ->            1.13
  cmake                   :          3.26.3 ->          3.27.1
  cryptopp                :           8.7.0 ->           8.8.0
  curl                    :           8.2.0 ->           8.2.1
  diffstat                :            1.64 ->            1.65
  docutils                :            0.20 ->          0.20.1
  doxygen                 :           1.9.6 ->           1.9.7
  dune                    :           3.9.1 ->           3.9.2
  e2fsprogs               :          1.46.5 ->          1.47.0
  emacs                   :            28.2 ->            29.1
  enchant                 :           2.3.4 ->           2.5.0
  exfatprogs              :           1.2.0 ->           1.2.1
  file                    :            5.44 ->            5.45
  firefox                 :         115.0.2 ->           116.0
  flare-engine            :         1.09.01 ->            1.14
  flare-game              :         1.09.01 ->            1.14
  fluidsynth              :           2.3.2 ->           2.3.3
  fontforge               :        20220308 ->        20230101
  fonttools               :          4.39.4 ->          4.42.0
  fortune                 :          3.16.0 ->          3.20.0
  freetype2               :          2.13.0 ->          2.13.1
  freexl                  :           1.0.6 ->           2.0.0
  fsarchiver              :           0.8.6 ->           0.8.7
  fuse-overlayfs          :           1.7.1 ->            1.12
  gegl                    :          0.4.44 ->          0.4.46
  glfw                    :           3.3.7 ->           3.3.8
  glib-2                  :          2.77.0 ->          2.77.1
  gmp                     :           6.2.1 ->           6.3.0
  gnu-efi                 :          3.0.15 ->          3.0.17
  gnutls                  :           3.7.8 ->           3.8.0
  google-auth-library-python:          2.16.1 ->          2.22.0
  googletest              :  release-1.11.0 ->          1.13.0
  gpgme                   :          1.20.0 ->          1.21.0
  groff                   :          1.22.4 ->          1.23.0
  gwenhywfar              :           5.9.0 ->          5.10.2
  harfbuzz                :           7.3.0 ->           8.1.1
  hexedit                 :             1.5 ->             1.6
  inih                    :             r56 ->             r57
  julius                  :           4.3.1 ->             4.6
  kactivitymanagerd       :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  kde-cli-tools           :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  kdecoration             :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  kde-gtk-config          :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  kdeplasma-addons        :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  kgamma5                 :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  khotkeys                :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  kinfocenter             :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  kmenuedit               :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  kpipewire               :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  kscreen                 :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  kscreenlocker           :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  ksshaskpass             :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  kstars                  :           3.6.5 ->           3.6.6
  ksystemstats            :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  ktextaddons             :           1.3.2 ->           1.4.0
  kwallet-pam             :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  kwayland-integration    :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  kwin                    :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  kwrited                 :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  layer-shell-qt          :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  lf                      :             r26 ->             r30
  libassuan               :           2.5.5 ->           2.5.6
  libgcrypt               :          1.10.1 ->          1.10.2
  libgpg-error            :            1.45 ->            1.47
  libindi                 :           2.0.2 ->           2.0.3
  libjpeg-turbo           : ->           3.0.0
  libkscreen              :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  libksysguard            :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  libnfsidmap             :            0.26 ->            0.27
  libqalculate            :           4.6.1 ->           4.7.0
  libqtxdg                :           3.9.1 ->          3.11.0
  libretls                :           3.3.1 ->           3.7.0
  libssh2                 :          1.10.0 ->          1.11.0
  libunistring            :             1.0 ->             1.1
  libwebp                 :           1.3.0 ->           1.3.1
  libxcrypt               :          4.4.32 ->          4.4.36
  lrzip                   :           0.641 ->           0.651
  lvm2                    :         2.03.16 ->         2.03.21
  make                    :             4.3 ->           4.4.1
  mc                      :          4.8.28 ->          4.8.29
  meson                   :           1.1.0 ->           1.2.0
  milou                   :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  mlt-7                   :          7.16.0 ->          7.18.0
  nfs-utils               :           2.6.1 ->           2.6.3
  nilfs-utils             :           2.2.8 ->           2.2.9
  ocaml-domainslib        :           0.5.0 ->           0.5.1
  openal                  :          1.23.0 ->          1.23.1
  openexr                 :           3.1.8 ->           3.1.9
  openttd                 :            13.3 ->            13.4
  oxygen                  :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  parted                  :             3.5 ->             3.6
  pidgin                  :         2.14.10 ->         2.14.12
  pkgconf                 :           1.9.3 ->           1.9.5
  plasma                  :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  plasma-browser-integration:          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  plasma-desktop          :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  plasma-disks            :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  plasma-firewall         :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  plasma-integration      :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  plasma-nm               :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  plasma-pa               :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  plasma-remotecontrollers:          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  plasma-sdk              :          5.27.6 ->
  plasma-systemmonitor    :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  plasma-thunderbolt      :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  plasma-vault            :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  plasma-workspace        :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  plasma-workspace-wallpapers:          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  polkit                  :             122 ->             123
  polkit-kde-agent-1      :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  powerdevil              :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  powerline-fonts         :           2.8.2 ->           2.8.3
  proftpd                 :          1.3.6d ->          1.3.7f
  pure-ftpd               :          1.0.49 ->          1.0.51
  python-cryptography     :          40.0.2 ->          41.0.2
  python-hypothesis       :          6.80.0 ->          6.82.0
  python-jsonschema       :           3.2.0 ->          4.18.4
  python-markdown         :           3.4.1 ->           3.4.4
  python-sip              :          6.7.10 ->          6.7.11
  python-wheel            :          0.40.0 ->          0.41.0
  qqc2-breeze-style       :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  qscintilla2             :          2.13.3 ->          2.14.1
  qt-creator              :          10.0.1 ->          11.0.1
  radare2                 :           5.8.0 ->           5.8.8
  re2c                    :             3.0 ->             3.1
  RHash                   :           1.4.3 ->           1.4.4
  rng-tools               :            6.15 ->            6.16
  rpcsvc-proto            :           1.4.3 ->           1.4.4
  rsyslog                 :        8.2304.0 ->        8.2306.0
  rtaudio                 :           5.2.0 ->           6.0.0
  rubberband              :           3.1.1 ->           3.3.0
  sddm-kcm                :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  SDL2                    :          2.28.0 ->          2.28.1
  slack-desktop           :           2.6.3 ->         4.33.73
  smartmontools           :             7.3 ->             7.4
  snes9x                  :            1.58 ->          1.62.3
  speex                   :           1.2.0 ->           1.2.1
  speexdsp                :           1.2.0 ->           1.2.1
  squashfs                :             4.6 ->           4.6.1
  strongswan              :           5.9.7 ->          5.9.11
  systemsettings          :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  taglib                  :            1.13 ->          1.13.1
  tagparser               :          11.0.0 ->          12.0.0
  tar                     :            1.34 ->            1.35
  texstudio               :           4.5.2 ->           4.6.2
  tnftp                   :        20210827 ->        20230507
  toxcore                 :          0.2.13 ->          0.2.18
  ttf-ibm-plex            :           6.1.1 ->           6.3.0
  umockdev                :         0.17.17 ->         0.17.18
  unifont                 :         14.0.04 ->         15.0.06
  util-linux              :          2.38.1 ->          2.39.1
  vim                     :        9.0.0045 ->        9.0.1677
  vsftpd                  :           3.0.3 ->           3.0.5
  whois                   :          5.5.15 ->          5.5.18
  xapian-core             :          1.4.22 ->          1.4.23
  xdg-desktop-portal-kde  :          5.27.6 ->          5.27.7
  xfsprogs                :           6.1.1 ->           6.4.0
  xlayoutdisplay          :           1.1.2 ->           1.4.0
  xorriso                 :           1.5.4 ->           1.5.6
  zfs                     :          2.1.11 ->          2.1.12
  zfs-utils               :           2.1.9 ->          2.1.12


The Lunar-Linux team

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