weekly news - 20221209

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Dec 9 12:35:25 CET 2022


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (4)
        glad-2.0.2: vulkan loader generator based on official specs
  libplacebo-5.229.1: gpu accelerated video and image rendering primitives
  PyQt6-QScintilla-2.13.3: Port to Qt6 of Scintilla C++ editor class
  qt6-quick3dphysics-6.4.1: physics engine for qt quick 3d

New versions: (43)
  digikam                 :           7.8.0 ->           7.9.0
  hwdata                  :           0.364 ->           0.365
  jpeg                    :              9c ->              9e
  libass                  :          0.16.0 ->          0.17.0
  libbluray               :           1.3.2 ->           1.3.4
  mpd                     :         0.23.10 ->         0.23.11
  qt6-5compat             :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-base                :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-charts              :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-connectivity        :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-datavis3d           :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-declarative         :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-imageformats        :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-languageserver      :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-lottie              :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-multimedia          :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-networkauth         :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-positioning         :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-profile             :           6.3.2 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-qt3d                :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-quick3d             :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-quicktimeline       :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-remoteobjects       :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-scxml               :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-sensors             :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-serialbus           :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-serialport          :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-shadertools         :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-svg                 :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-tools               :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-translations        :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-wayland             :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-webchannel          :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-webengine           :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-websockets          :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  qt6-webview             :           6.4.0 ->           6.4.1
  smb4k                   :           3.1.2 ->           3.1.5
  smpeg                   :           0.4.5 ->           2.0.0
  SVT-AV1                 :          v0.9.1 ->          v1.4.0
  vlc                     : ->          3.0.18
  Vulkan-Headers          :         1.3.209 ->         1.3.235
  wavpack                 :           5.5.0 ->           5.6.0
  xz                      :           5.2.6 ->           5.2.9

Moved modules:
  phonon-backend-gstreamer:       kde/utils ->      kde/crater


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