weekly news - 20211029

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Oct 29 12:35:18 CEST 2021


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (1)
  python-incremental-21.3.0: versions your Python projects

New versions: (88)
  bctoolbox               :          5.0.32 ->          5.0.44
  bluedevil               :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  breeze                  :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  breeze-grub             :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  breeze-gtk              :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  bzrtp                   :          5.0.32 ->          5.0.44
  calibre                 :          5.29.0 ->          5.30.0
  cmake                   :          3.21.3 ->          3.21.4
  discover                :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  embree                  :          3.13.0 ->          3.13.1
  geoip-database          :        20210921 ->        20211026
  ImageMagick             :        7.1.0-10 ->        7.1.0-12
  intel-tbb               :        2021.3.0 ->        2021.4.0
  kactivitymanagerd       :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  kde-cli-tools           :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  kdecoration             :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  kde-gtk-config          :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  kdeplasma-addons        :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  kgamma5                 :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  khotkeys                :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  kinfocenter             :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  kmenuedit               :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  kscreen                 :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  kscreenlocker           :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  ksshaskpass             :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  ksystemstats            :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  kwallet-pam             :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  kwayland-integration    :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  kwayland-server         :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  kwin                    :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  kwrited                 :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  layer-shell-qt          :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  lf                      :             r25 ->             r26
  libkscreen              :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  libksysguard            :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  librsvg                 :          2.52.0 ->          2.52.3
  libsoup                 :          2.74.0 ->          2.74.1
  libwpe                  :          1.10.1 ->          1.12.0
  libxml2                 :          2.9.11 ->          2.9.12
  mediastreamer           :          5.0.32 ->          5.0.44
  mercurial               :           5.9.2 ->           5.9.3
  milou                   :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  mpd                     :          0.23.1 ->          0.23.2
  mpg123                  :          1.29.1 ->          1.29.2
  msgpack-c               :           3.3.0 ->           4.0.3
  neomutt                 :        20211015 ->        20211022
  openexr                 :           3.1.1 ->           3.1.3
  ortp                    :          5.0.32 ->          5.0.44
  oxygen                  :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  ParaView                :           5.8.0 ->           5.9.1
  plasma                  :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  plasma-browser-integration:          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  plasma-desktop          :          5.23.0 ->
  plasma-disks            :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  plasma-firewall         :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  plasma-integration      :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  plasma-nm               :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  plasma-pa               :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  plasma-sdk              :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  plasma-systemmonitor    :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  plasma-tests            :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  plasma-thunderbolt      :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  plasma-vault            :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  plasma-workspace        :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  plasma-workspace-wallpapers:          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  polkit-kde-agent-1      :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  powerdevil              :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  python2-pytz            :          2021.1 ->          2021.3
  python-matplotlib       :           2.2.2 ->           3.4.3
  python-pytz             :          2021.1 ->          2021.3
  python-service-identity :          18.1.0 ->          21.1.0
  python-twisted          :          21.2.0 ->          21.7.0
  python-zope.interface   :           4.7.1 ->           5.4.0
  qqc2-breeze-style       :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  qt-creator              : opensource-src-5.0.0 -> opensource-src-5.0.2
  qutebrowser             :           2.3.1 ->           2.4.0
  samba                   :          4.14.7 ->          4.15.1
  sddm-kcm                :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  systemsettings          :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  thunderbird             :          91.2.0 ->          91.2.1
  thunderbird-bin         :          91.2.0 ->          91.2.1
  trash-cli               : ->
  VTK                     :           8.2.0 ->           9.0.3
  wesnoth                 :         1.14.17 ->          1.16.0
  wine                    :            6.18 ->            6.20
  wireshark               :           3.4.9 ->           3.5.0
  xdg-desktop-portal-kde  :          5.23.0 ->          5.23.2
  xdotool                 :    3.20210804.2 ->    3.20211022.1


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