weekly news - 20210326

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Mar 26 12:35:31 CET 2021


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (2)
      cpulimit-2.6: A program to throttle CPU cycles used by other applications
   tailscale-1.6.0: A mesh VPN that easy connect your devices, wherever they are

New versions: (55)
  ansible-lint            :           5.0.3 ->           5.0.5
  antlr                   :           4.9.1 ->           4.9.2
  bind                    :         9.16.11 ->         9.16.13
  bind-utils              :         9.16.11 ->         9.16.13
  bridge-utils            :             1.7 ->           1.7.1
  broot                   :           1.2.8 ->           1.2.9
  cmake                   :          3.19.7 ->          3.20.0
  digikam                 :           7.1.0 ->           7.2.0
  emacs                   :            27.1 ->            27.2
  firefox                 :            86.0 ->            87.0
  firefox-bin             :          86.0.1 ->            87.0
  fish                    :           3.2.0 ->           3.2.1
  flat-remix              :        20210121 ->        20210322
  gdk-pixbuf              :          2.42.2 ->          2.42.4
  geoip-database          :        20210223 ->        20210323
  gobject-introspection   :          1.66.0 ->          1.68.0
  gvfs                    :          1.46.2 ->          1.48.0
  ImageMagick             :        7.0.11-3 ->        7.0.11-4
  inxi                    :        3.3.01-1 ->        3.3.03-1
  janet                   :          1.15.3 ->          1.15.4
  krb5                    :          1.18.3 ->          1.19.1
  krita                   :           4.4.2 ->           4.4.3
  libassuan               :           2.5.4 ->           2.5.5
  libinput                :          1.17.0 ->          1.17.1
  libva                   :          2.10.0 ->          2.11.0
  libvpx                  :           1.9.0 ->          1.10.0
  linux-lts               :         5.10.24 ->         5.10.26
  lrzip                   :           0.631 ->           0.641
  man-pages               :            5.10 ->            5.11
  mesa-lib                :          21.0.0 ->          21.0.1
  Net-HTTP                :            6.19 ->            6.21
  nettle                  :           3.7.1 ->           3.7.2
  nspr                    :            4.29 ->            4.30
  nss                     :            3.62 ->            3.63
  openmpi                 :           4.0.5 ->           4.1.0
  openssl                 :          1.1.1i ->          1.1.1k
  pinentry                :           1.1.0 ->           1.1.1
  python2-chardet         :           3.0.4 ->           4.0.0
  python2-urllib3         :          1.26.3 ->          1.26.4
  python-chardet          :           3.0.4 ->           4.0.0
  python-idna             :            2.10 ->             3.0
  python-pygobject        :          3.38.0 ->          3.40.0
  python-urllib3          :          1.26.3 ->          1.26.4
  qt-creator              : opensource-src-4.14.1 -> opensource-src-4.14.2
  samba                   :          4.14.0 ->          4.14.2
  spamassassin            :           3.4.4 ->           3.4.5
  syslog-ng               :          3.31.1 ->          3.31.2
  thunar                  :          4.16.5 ->          4.16.6
  thunderbird-bin         :          78.8.1 ->          78.9.0
  uriparser               :           0.9.4 ->           0.9.5
  wesnoth                 :         1.14.15 ->         1.14.16
  x265                    :           3.2.1 ->             3.5
  xfce4-battery-plugin    :           1.1.3 ->           1.1.4
  xfce4-systemload-plugin :           1.3.0 ->           1.3.1
  youtube-dl              :      2021.03.14 ->      2021.03.25


The Lunar-Linux team

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