weekly news - 20211217

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Dec 17 12:35:21 CET 2021


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (3)
  python-setuptools-rust-1.1.2: Python extensions written in rust
  python-tomli-1.2.2: A lil' TOML parser
      rtmidi-5.0.0: API for realtime MIDI handling

New versions: (193)
  ansible-bundler         :           1.7.1 ->          1.10.2
  ansible-core            :          2.12.0 ->          2.12.1
  attica                  :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  baloo                   :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  bluez-qt                :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  boost                   :          1.76.0 ->          1.78.0
  breeze-icons            :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  cinnamon                :           5.2.4 ->           5.2.5
  cssutils                :           1.0.1 ->           2.3.0
  digikam                 :           7.3.0 ->           7.4.0
  drumstick               :           1.1.1 ->           2.5.0
  dunst                   :           1.7.2 ->           1.7.3
  extra-cmake-modules     :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  frameworkintegration    :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  gcalcli                 :           3.3.2 ->           4.3.0
  ghostscript             :          9.54.0 ->          9.55.0
  go                      :          1.17.4 ->          1.17.5
  gradle                  :           7.3.1 ->           7.3.2
  imlib2                  :           1.7.4 ->           1.7.5
  inxi                    :        3.3.09-1 ->        3.3.10-1
  kactivities             :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kactivities-stats       :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kapidox                 :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  karchive                :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kauth                   :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kbookmarks              :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kcalendarcore           :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kcmutils                :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kcodecs                 :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kcompletion             :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kconfig                 :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kconfigwidgets          :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kcontacts               :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kcoreaddons             :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kcrash                  :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kdav                    :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kdbusaddons             :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kdeclarative            :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kded                    :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kdelibs4support         :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kdesignerplugin         :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kdesu                   :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kdewebkit               :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kdnssd                  :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kdoctools               :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kemoticons              :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kf5                     :            5.88 ->            5.89
  kfilemetadata           :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kglobalaccel            :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kguiaddons              :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kholidays               :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  khtml                   :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  ki18n                   :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kiconthemes             :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kidletime               :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kimageformats           :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kinit                   :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kio                     :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kirigami2               :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kitemmodels             :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kitemviews              :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kjobwidgets             :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kjs                     :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kjsembed                :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kmediaplayer            :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  knewstuff               :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  knotifications          :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  knotifyconfig           :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kpackage                :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kparts                  :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kpeople                 :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kplotting               :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kpty                    :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kquickcharts            :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kross                   :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  krunner                 :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kservice                :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  ktexteditor             :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  ktextwidgets            :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kunitconversion         :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kwallet                 :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kwayland                :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kwidgetsaddons          :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kwindowsystem           :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kxmlgui                 :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  kxmlrpcclient           :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  libical                 :          3.0.11 ->          3.0.12
  libinput                :          1.19.2 ->          1.19.3
  linux-lts               :         5.10.84 ->         5.10.85
  modemmanager-qt         :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  mpg123                  :          1.29.2 ->          1.29.3
  mujs                    :           1.1.3 ->           1.2.0
  mutt                    :           2.1.3 ->           2.1.4
  networkmanager-qt       :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  node                    :          17.1.0 ->          17.2.0
  ocaml                   :          4.11.1 ->          4.13.1
  openvpn                 :           2.5.4 ->           2.5.5
  oxygen-icons5           :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  pango                   :          1.50.0 ->          1.50.1
  parsedatetime           :             2.5 ->             2.6
  path.py                 :           8.2.1 ->          16.2.0
  pipewire                :          0.3.39 ->          0.3.41
  plasma-framework        :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  podman                  :           3.4.2 ->           3.4.4
  prison                  :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  purpose                 :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  pyatspi                 :         2.29.90 ->          2.38.2
  pybind11                :           2.7.1 ->           2.8.1
  pyPEG2                  :          2.15.1 ->          2.15.2
  python-asn1crypto       :           1.3.0 ->           1.4.0
  python-backcall         :           0.1.0 ->           0.2.0
  python-bcrypt           :           3.1.7 ->           3.2.0
  python-beautifulsoup4   :           4.9.3 ->          4.10.0
  python-certifi          :      2021.05.30 ->      2021.10.08
  python-cheetah3         :           3.2.4 ->           3.2.6
  python-css-parser       :           1.0.6 ->           1.0.7
  python-cycler           :          0.10.0 ->          0.11.0
  python-decorator        :           4.3.0 ->           5.1.0
  python-distutils-extra  :            2.38 ->            2.39
  python-empy             :           3.3.2 ->          3.3.4a
  python-future           :          0.16.0 ->          0.18.2
  python-google-api-python-client:          1.12.8 ->          2.33.0
  python-html5-parser     :           0.4.4 ->          0.4.10
  python-httplib2         :          0.19.1 ->          0.20.3
  python-idna             :             3.1 ->             3.3
  python-jedi             :          0.17.0 ->          0.18.1
  python-kitchen          :           1.2.5 ->           1.2.6
  python-ldap             :           3.2.0 ->           3.4.0
  python-lxml             :           4.6.3 ->           4.6.4
  python-m2crypto         :          0.31.0 ->          0.38.0
  python-mako             :           1.1.4 ->           1.1.6
  python-markdown         :           3.3.4 ->           3.3.6
  python-msgpack          :           1.0.2 ->           1.0.3
  python-nbxmpp           :           0.6.8 ->           2.0.4
  python-netaddr          :          0.7.19 ->           0.8.0
  python-numpy            :          1.21.3 ->          1.21.4
  python-paramiko         :           2.7.2 ->           2.8.1
  python-parso            :           0.8.2 ->           0.8.3
  python-pathlib2         :           2.3.3 ->           2.3.6
  python-pathspec         :           0.5.9 ->           0.9.0
  python-pbr              :           5.4.5 ->           5.8.0
  python-pexpect          :           4.6.0 ->           4.8.0
  python-pickleshare      :           0.7.4 ->           0.7.5
  python-pip              :          21.1.2 ->          21.3.1
  python-powerline        :           2.8.1 ->           2.8.2
  python-precis_i18n      :             1.0 ->           1.0.3
  python-prompt_toolkit   :           3.0.3 ->          3.0.24
  python-psycopg2         :           2.9.1 ->           2.9.2
  python-ptyprocess       :           0.6.0 ->           0.7.0
  python-pyaml            :          20.4.0 ->         21.10.1
  python-pybluez          :            0.22 ->            0.23
  python-pycairo          :          1.20.0 ->          1.20.1
  python-pycryptodome     :           3.9.8 ->          3.12.0
  python-pycups           :          1.9.73 ->           2.0.1
  python-pycurl           :          7.44.0 ->          7.44.1
  python-pydot            :           1.2.4 ->           1.4.2
  python-pygit2           :           1.0.3 ->           1.7.2
  python-pygments         :           2.8.0 ->          2.10.0
  python-pygobject        :          3.40.1 ->          3.42.0
  python-pyjwt            :           1.7.1 ->           2.3.0
  python-reportlab        :          3.5.28 ->           3.6.3
  python-ruamel.yaml      :          0.17.4 ->         0.17.17
  python-scikit           :          0.17.1 ->           1.0.1
  python-scipy            :           1.7.1 ->           1.7.3
  python-setuptools_scm   :           4.1.2 ->           6.3.2
  python-sqlalchemy       :           1.4.0 ->          1.4.28
  python-sqlalchemy-migrate:          0.11.0 ->          0.13.0
  python-sqlparse         :           0.2.4 ->           0.4.2
  python-traitlets        :           4.3.2 ->           5.1.1
  python-txaio            :          18.8.1 ->          21.2.1
  python-typing           :           3.6.6 ->
  python-unidecode        :           1.1.2 ->           1.3.2
  python-unrardll         :           0.1.4 ->           0.1.5
  python-uritemplate      :           3.0.0 ->           4.1.1
  python-uTidylib         :             0.4 ->             0.8
  python-vcstools         :          0.1.40 ->          0.1.42
  python-xlib             :            0.29 ->            0.31
  qqc2-desktop-style      :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  solid                   :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  sonnet                  :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  speech-dispatcher       :          0.10.2 ->          0.11.0
  sphinxcontrib-doxylink  :             1.3 ->          1.11.1
  syndication             :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  syntax-highlighting     :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  sysstat                 :          12.5.4 ->          12.5.5
  sysvinit                :            2.99 ->            3.01
  threadweaver            :          5.88.0 ->          5.89.0
  ugrep                   :           3.3.8 ->          3.3.12
  unrar                   :           6.1.2 ->           6.1.3
  urwid                   :           1.3.1 ->           2.1.2
  wayland                 :          1.19.0 ->          1.20.0
  xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin:           2.5.2 ->           2.7.1
  yamllint                :          1.23.0 ->          1.26.3


The Lunar-Linux team

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