weekly news - 20210423

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Apr 23 12:35:30 CEST 2021


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (5)
     embree-3.12.2: collection of high-performance ray tracing kernels
          gh-1.9.2: Official command-line wrapper for GitHub
  python-m2crypto-0.31.0: Python wrapper for OpenSSL
  python-soupsieve-2.2.1: a CSS selector library designed to be used with Beautiful Soup 4
  python-typing-3.6.6: Type Hints for Python

New versions: (58)
  ansible                 :          2.10.6 ->           3.3.0
  bctoolbox               :           4.5.1 ->           4.5.7
  blender                 :          2.83.5 ->          2.92.0
  boxes                   :           2.0.0 ->           2.1.0
  buildah                 :          1.20.0 ->          1.20.1
  bzrtp                   :           4.5.1 ->           4.5.7
  cri-o                   :          1.20.2 ->          1.21.0
  crun                    :            0.19 ->          0.19.1
  dart-sdk                :          2.12.3 ->          2.12.4
  dbus-glib               :           0.110 ->           0.112
  exfatprogs              :           1.1.0 ->           1.1.1
  firefox-bin             :            87.0 ->            88.0
  fontforge               :        20200314 ->        20201107
  grim                    :           1.3.1 ->           1.3.2
  icu4c                   :            68-2 ->            69-1
  ImageMagick             :        7.0.11-7 ->        7.0.11-8
  jack                    :          1.9.17 ->          1.9.18
  jasper                  :          2.0.25 ->          2.0.28
  leiningen               :           2.9.5 ->           2.9.6
  libdvdcss               :           1.4.2 ->           1.4.3
  libgcrypt               :           1.8.7 ->           1.9.3
  libical                 :           3.0.9 ->          3.0.10
  libostree               :          2021.1 ->          2021.2
  libshout                :           2.4.4 ->           2.4.5
  linux-lts               :         5.10.30 ->         5.10.32
  maxima                  :          5.43.0 ->          5.44.0
  mediastreamer           :           4.5.1 ->           4.5.7
  mesa-lib                :          21.0.2 ->          21.0.3
  mkvtoolnix              :          56.0.0 ->          56.1.0
  ModemManager            :          1.16.2 ->          1.16.4
  mozjs78                 :     78.0.1gnome ->         78.10.0
  mtools                  :          4.0.26 ->          4.0.27
  netdata                 :         v1.29.3 ->         v1.30.1
  nginx                   :         1.19.10 ->          1.20.0
  node                    :         15.14.0 ->          16.0.0
  nss                     :            3.63 ->            3.64
  openmp                  :          11.1.0 ->          12.0.0
  openvpn                 :           2.5.1 ->           2.5.2
  orc                     :          0.4.31 ->          0.4.32
  ortp                    :           4.5.1 ->           4.5.7
  podman                  :           3.0.1 ->           3.1.2
  protobuf                :          3.15.7 ->          3.15.8
  psmisc                  :            23.3 ->            23.4
  qhull                   :            2020 ->          2020.2
  redis                   :           6.2.1 ->           6.2.2
  samba                   :          4.14.2 ->          4.14.3
  sg3_utils               :            1.45 ->            1.46
  skopeo                  :           1.2.2 ->           1.2.3
  slurp                   :           1.3.1 ->           1.3.2
  sqlite                  :         3350400 ->         3350500
  sshguard                :           2.4.1 ->           2.4.2
  thunderbird-bin         :          78.9.1 ->         78.10.0
  util-linux              :            2.36 ->          2.36.2
  vte3                    :          0.62.3 ->          0.64.0
  watchexec               :          1.15.0 ->          1.15.1
  wireshark               :           3.4.4 ->           3.4.5
  xf86-input-libinput     :           1.0.0 ->           1.0.1
  youtube-dl              :      2021.04.07 ->      2021.04.17

Moved modules:
  unicap                  :      other/libs ->    other/crater


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