weekly news - 20200918

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Sep 18 12:35:30 CEST 2020


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (2)
  icons-in-terminal-git: Icon fonts in terminal
        kirc-0.0.9: KISS for IRC, an IRC client written in POSIX C99

New versions: (45)
  buildah                 :          1.16.0 ->          1.16.1
  cifs-utils              :            6.10 ->            6.11
  conmon                  :          2.0.20 ->          2.0.21
  cups-filters            :          1.28.1 ->          1.28.2
  dart-sdk                :           2.9.2 ->           2.9.3
  erlang                  :          23.0.3 ->          23.0.4
  fetchmail               :          6.4.11 ->          6.4.12
  fping                   :             4.3 ->             5.0
  gdbus-codegen           :          2.64.4 ->          2.64.5
  ghostscript             :          9.53.0 ->          9.53.1
  gnome-desktop           :          3.36.5 ->          3.36.6
  go                      :          1.15.1 ->          1.15.2
  gst-libav               :          1.16.2 ->          1.18.0
  gst-plugins-bad         :          1.16.2 ->          1.18.0
  gst-plugins-base        :          1.16.2 ->          1.18.0
  gst-plugins-good        :          1.16.2 ->          1.18.0
  gst-plugins-ugly        :          1.16.2 ->          1.18.0
  gst-python              :          1.16.2 ->          1.18.0
  gstreamer               :          1.16.2 ->          1.18.0
  HTML-Parser             :            3.73 ->            3.74
  htop                    :           3.0.1 ->           3.0.2
  iwd                     :             1.8 ->             1.9
  jbig2dec                :            0.18 ->            0.19
  kickshaw                : 1.0.31_GTK3_source_only -> 1.0.32_GTK3_source_only
  kotlin                  :           1.4.0 ->          1.4.10
  libgudev                :             233 ->             234
  libssh                  :           0.9.4 ->           0.9.5
  libva                   :           2.8.0 ->           2.9.0
  libxkbcommon            :           1.0.0 ->           1.0.1
  linux-lts               :          5.4.64 ->          5.4.65
  mesa-lib                :          20.1.7 ->          20.1.8
  mkvtoolnix              :          47.0.0 ->          50.0.0
  mutter                  :          3.36.5 ->          3.36.6
  netdata                 :         v1.24.0 ->         v1.25.0
  node                    :         14.10.0 ->         14.11.0
  pipewire                :          0.3.10 ->          0.3.11
  py3status               :            3.29 ->            3.30
  python-numpy            :          1.19.1 ->          1.19.2
  python-pygments         :           2.6.1 ->           2.7.0
  qt-creator              : opensource-src-4.13.0 -> opensource-src-4.13.1
  redis                   :           6.0.7 ->           6.0.8
  wesnoth                 :         1.14.13 ->         1.14.14
  wine                    :            5.16 ->            5.17
  wireshark               :           3.2.6 ->           3.3.0
  xf86-video-intel        :   Release_3.8.1 ->           3.8.6


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