weekly news - 20200529

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri May 29 12:35:22 CEST 2020


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (10)
  autoenv_fish-0.2.0: Directory based enviroments for fish shell
     autoenv-0.2.1: Directory based enviroments for bash and zsh
      bashible-0.3: Simple bash DSL framework for writing shell scripts safe and agil
     bashish-2.2.4: A theme enviroment for text terminals
    birdtray-1.8.1: System tray mail notification for Thunderbird.
  egl-wayland-1.1.5: The EGLStream-based Wayland external platform
  mypaint-brushes-1-3.1: Brushes used by MyPaint
  python-ldap-3.2.0: LDAP client API for Python
  python-psutil-5.7.0: A cross-platform process and system utilities module for Python
         zig-0.6.0: A programming language for robustness, optimality, and clarity

Removed modules: (1)

New versions: (68)
  bashtop                 :          0.8.30 ->           0.9.6
  blueman                 :           2.1.2 ->           2.1.3
  btrfs-progs             :             5.4 ->           5.6.1
  calibre                 :          4.16.0 ->          4.17.0
  Cinnamon                :           4.6.1 ->           4.6.2
  cinnamon-session        :           4.6.0 ->           4.6.1
  cinnamon-settings-daemon:           4.6.0 ->           4.6.1
  cmake                   :          3.17.2 ->          3.17.3
  conmon                  :          2.0.16 ->          2.0.17
  cryptsetup              :           2.3.1 ->           2.3.2
  dbus                    :         1.13.12 ->         1.13.14
  efitools                :           1.8.1 ->           1.9.2
  elfutils                :           0.178 ->           0.179
  ethtool                 :             5.4 ->             5.6
  fasm                    :         1.73.13 ->         1.73.23
  fd                      :           8.1.0 ->           8.1.1
  File-Slurp              :         9999.19 ->         9999.28
  gawk                    :           5.0.1 ->           5.1.0
  gdb                     :             9.1 ->             9.2
  gettext                 :          0.20.1 ->          0.20.2
  gexiv2                  :          0.12.0 ->          0.12.1
  glib-networking         :          2.64.2 ->          2.64.3
  gradle                  :             6.4 ->           6.4.1
  ImageMagick             :       7.0.10-13 ->       7.0.10-14
  kickshaw                : 1.0.19_GTK3_source_only -> 1.0.23_GTK3_source_only
  krb5                    :          1.18.1 ->          1.18.2
  libblockdev             :          2.23-1 ->          2.24-1
  libdrm                  :         2.4.101 ->         2.4.102
  libexif                 :          0.6.21 ->          0.6.22
  libmypaint              :           1.5.1 ->           1.6.1
  libnice                 :          0.1.16 ->          0.1.17
  libytnef                :             1.5 ->           1.9.3
  linux                   :           5.5.2 ->          5.6.14
  linux-lts               :          5.4.42 ->          5.4.43
  lyx                     : ->
  mesa-lib                :          20.0.6 ->          20.1.0
  meson                   :          0.53.2 ->          0.54.2
  muffin                  :           4.6.0 ->           4.6.1
  mutt                    :          1.14.1 ->          1.14.2
  mypaint-brushes         :           1.3.1 ->           2.0.2
  nano                    :             4.8 ->           4.9.2
  ndctl                   :            64.1 ->              68
  nemo                    :           4.6.1 ->           4.6.2
  nnn                     :             3.0 ->             3.2
  openafs                 :           1.8.5 ->       1.8.6pre2
  openafs-driver          :           1.8.5 ->       1.8.6pre2
  osinfo-db               :        20200214 ->        20200515
  podman                  :           1.9.2 ->           1.9.3
  python2-httplib2        :          0.17.4 ->          0.18.1
  python-httplib2         :          0.17.4 ->          0.18.1
  python-setuptools       :          46.1.3 ->          46.4.0
  redis                   :           6.0.3 ->           6.0.4
  rp-pppoe                :            3.13 ->            3.14
  sardi-icons             :          20.2-1 ->          20.5-2
  sbsigntools             :             0.9 ->           0.9.3
  shotwell                :          0.30.9 ->         0.30.10
  Sphinx                  :           3.0.3 ->           3.0.4
  spice-gtk               :            0.37 ->            0.38
  spice-protocol          :          0.14.0 ->          0.14.1
  sqlite                  :         3310100 ->         3320100
  subversion              :          1.13.0 ->          1.14.0
  thunar                  :          1.8.14 ->          1.8.15
  thunderbird             :          68.8.0 ->          68.8.1
  thunderbird-bin         :          68.8.0 ->          68.8.1
  transmission            :            2.94 ->            3.00
  wesnoth                 :         1.14.11 ->         1.14.12
  xfsprogs                :           5.5.0 ->           5.6.0
  zstd                    :           1.4.4 ->           1.4.5

Moved modules:
  celt051                 :     other/zbeta ->     other/audio


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