weekly news - 20200306

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Mar 6 12:35:29 CET 2020


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (1)
       zshdb-1.1.2: gdb-like debugger for zsh

Removed modules: (1)

New versions: (47)
  at-spi2-atk             :          2.34.0 ->          2.34.2
  bitcoin                 :          0.19.0 ->          0.19.1
  blueman                 :           2.1.1 ->           2.1.2
  buildah                 :          1.14.0 ->          1.14.1
  cmake                   :          3.16.4 ->          3.16.5
  conkywx                 :               7 ->          200228
  cups-filters            :          1.27.1 ->          1.27.2
  curl                    :          7.68.0 ->          7.69.0
  dpkg                    : ->          1.19.7
  fish                    :           3.0.2 ->           3.1.0
  fribidi                 :           1.0.8 ->           1.0.9
  go-md2man               :           1.0.5 ->           2.0.0
  gradle                  :           6.1.1 ->           6.2.1
  GraphicsMagick          :          1.3.34 ->          1.3.35
  ImageMagick             :        7.0.9-26 ->        7.0.9-27
  ipython                 :          7.12.0 ->          7.13.0
  leiningen               :           2.9.0 ->           2.9.2
  libevdev                :           1.8.0 ->           1.9.0
  libqalculate            :           3.7.0 ->           3.8.0
  linux-lts               :          5.4.22 ->          5.4.24
  logrotate               :          3.15.1 ->          3.16.0
  mesa-lib                :          20.0.0 ->          20.0.1
  nginx                   :          1.17.8 ->          1.17.9
  node                    :          13.9.0 ->         13.10.1
  npm                     :          6.14.1 ->          6.14.2
  open-iscsi              :           2.1.0 ->           2.1.1
  open-isns               :            0.98 ->           0.100
  openscad                :       2015.03-3 ->         2019.05
  ortp                    :             4.2 ->           4.3.2
  papirus-icon-theme      :        20200201 ->        20200301
  poppler                 :          0.85.0 ->          0.86.1
  py3status               :            3.26 ->            3.27
  python2-mako            :           1.1.1 ->           1.1.2
  python2-pip             :            20.0 ->          20.0.1
  python2-pycparser       :            2.19 ->            2.20
  python-mako             :           1.1.1 ->           1.1.2
  python-pip              :            20.0 ->          20.0.1
  python-pycparser        :            2.19 ->            2.20
  qalculate-gtk           :           3.7.0 ->           3.8.0
  R                       :           3.6.2 ->           3.6.3
  Sphinx                  :           2.4.3 ->           2.4.4
  totem-pl-parser         :          3.26.3 ->          3.26.5
  unibilium               :           2.0.0 ->           2.1.0
  vala                    :          0.46.6 ->          0.48.0
  wayland-protocols       :            1.18 ->            1.20
  wine                    :             5.2 ->             5.3
  zimg                    :           2.9.1 ->           2.9.3


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