weekly news - 20201225

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Dec 25 12:35:33 CET 2020


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (6)
        glow-1.3.0: Markdown renderer for the CLI
        gmic-2.9.4: A Full-Featured Open-Source Framework for Image Processing
     libxmlb-0.2.1: converts XML to a structured binary representation with a dedupli
   msgpack-c-3.3.0: An efficient object serialization library
  python-sip5-5.5.0: create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries
    tpm2-tss-3.0.3: TPM2 Software Stack

Removed modules: (3)

New versions: (87)
  acpica-unix             :        20201113 ->        20201217
  ampache-browser         :           1.0.2 ->           1.0.3
  arpack-ng               :           3.7.0 ->           3.8.0
  babl                    :          0.1.82 ->          0.1.84
  bctoolbox               :          4.4.17 ->          4.4.21
  binutils                :            2.34 ->          2.35.1
  broot                   :           1.0.7 ->          1.1.10
  bzrtp                   :          4.4.17 ->          4.4.21
  cantarell-fonts         :           0.201 ->           0.301
  colord                  :           1.4.4 ->           1.4.5
  elogind                 :           243.7 ->           246.9
  firefox                 :            84.0 ->          84.0.1
  firefox-bin             :            84.0 ->          84.0.1
  freetds                 :          1.2.17 ->          1.2.18
  fwupd                   :          1.2.10 ->           1.5.4
  game-music-emu          :           0.6.2 ->           0.6.3
  garcon                  :           0.7.0 ->           0.8.0
  gdal                    :           3.1.2 ->           3.2.0
  gegl                    :          0.4.26 ->          0.4.28
  geoip-database          :        20201111 ->        20201222
  ghc                     :           8.6.5 ->          8.10.3
  gnucobol                :           3.1.1 ->           3.1.2
  gnupg                   :          2.2.25 ->          2.2.26
  gtk+-2                  :           24.32 ->           24.33
  highlight               :            3.57 ->            3.60
  htop                    :           3.0.3 ->           3.0.4
  i3lock-color            :        2.12.c.5 ->        2.13.c.1
  icu4c                   :            67-1 ->            68-2
  ImageMagick             :       7.0.10-50 ->       7.0.10-53
  imlib2                  :           1.7.0 ->           1.7.1
  jasper                  :          2.0.19 ->          2.0.23
  kitty                   :          0.19.2 ->          0.19.3
  kmymoney                :           5.1.0 ->           5.1.1
  leiningen               :           2.9.3 ->           2.9.5
  lf                      :             r17 ->             r18
  libaccounts-glib        :            1.24 ->            1.25
  libepoxy                :           1.5.4 ->           1.5.5
  liberation-fonts        :           2.1.1 ->           2.1.2
  libopenraw              :           0.1.3 ->           0.3.0
  libutf8proc             :           2.4.0 ->           2.6.1
  libwacom                :             1.6 ->             1.7
  linux-lts               :          5.4.84 ->          5.4.85
  man-pages               :            5.09 ->            5.10
  mousepad                :           0.4.2 ->           0.5.1
  ncmpcpp                 :           0.8.2 ->             0.9
  ndctl                   :              69 ->            70.1
  netcdf-fortran          :           4.5.2 ->           4.5.3
  newsboat                :            2.21 ->            2.22
  nginx                   :          1.19.3 ->          1.19.6
  node                    :          15.4.0 ->          15.5.0
  npm                     :          6.14.8 ->          6.14.9
  opencv                  :           4.5.0 ->           4.5.1
  open-iscsi              :           2.1.2 ->           2.1.3
  opensc                  :          0.20.0 ->          0.21.0
  ortp                    :          4.4.17 ->          4.4.21
  polybar                 :           3.5.1 ->           3.5.3
  python2-pip             :          20.2.1 ->          20.2.3
  python2-urllib3         :         1.25.10 ->          1.26.1
  python-babel            :           2.6.0 ->           2.9.0
  python-msgpack          :           1.0.0 ->           1.0.2
  python-pip              :          20.2.1 ->          20.2.3
  python-poppler-qt5      :          0.24.2 ->          0.75.0
  python-unidecode        :           1.1.1 ->           1.1.2
  python-urllib3          :         1.25.10 ->          1.26.1
  readline                :             8.0 ->         8.0.004
  SDL2                    :          2.0.12 ->          2.0.14
  shfmt                   :           3.2.0 ->           3.2.1
  Sphinx                  :           3.3.1 ->           3.4.1
  sudo                    :           1.9.4 ->         1.9.4p2
  ugrep                   :           3.0.6 ->           3.1.1
  wesnoth                 :         1.14.14 ->         1.14.15
  wireshark               :           3.4.1 ->           3.4.2
  xfce4-datetime-plugin   :           0.8.0 ->           0.8.1
  xfce4-diskperf-plugin   :           2.6.2 ->           2.6.3
  xfce4-genmon-plugin     :           4.0.2 ->           4.1.0
  xfce4-mount-plugin      :           1.1.3 ->           1.1.4
  xfce4-screenshooter     :           1.9.7 ->           1.9.8
  xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin:           0.5.1 ->           0.5.2
  xfce4-systemload-plugin :           1.2.3 ->           1.2.4
  xfce4-terminal          : ->          0.8.10
  xfce4-wavelan-plugin    :           0.6.1 ->           0.6.2
  xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin:           2.4.5 ->           2.5.0
  xfce4-xkb-plugin        :           0.8.1 ->           0.8.2
  xscreensaver            :            5.44 ->            5.45
  you-get                 :        0.4.1475 ->        0.4.1488
  youtube-dl              :      2020.12.14 ->      2020.12.22
  zstd                    :           1.4.5 ->           1.4.8


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