weekly news - 20200828

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Aug 28 12:35:29 CEST 2020


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (2)
       RHash-1.4.0: Utility for verifying hash sums of files
        tabbed-0.6: Simple generic tabbed fronted to xembed aware applications

New versions: (43)
  ansible-lint            :           4.3.1 ->           4.3.3
  aqbanking               :           6.2.1 ->           6.2.2
  aspell-pl               :  6.0_20190101-0 ->  6.0_20200825-0
  bashtop                 :          0.9.24 ->          0.9.25
  calibre                 :          4.22.0 ->          4.23.0
  cups-filters            :          1.27.5 ->          1.28.1
  doxygen                 :          1.8.19 ->          1.8.20
  f2fs-tools              :          1.13.0 ->          1.14.0
  firefox-bin             :            79.0 ->            80.0
  geoip-database          :        20200721 ->        20200825
  glew                    :           2.1.0 ->           2.2.0
  glm                     : ->
  gnupg                   :          2.2.21 ->          2.2.22
  groovy                  :           2.5.8 ->          2.5.13
  HTML-Parser             :            3.72 ->            3.73
  htop                    :           2.2.0 ->           3.0.0
  ImageMagick             :       7.0.10-27 ->       7.0.10-28
  iw                      :             5.4 ->             5.8
  libinput                :          1.15.6 ->          1.16.1
  libuv                   :          1.38.1 ->          1.39.0
  libX11                  :          1.6.11 ->          1.6.12
  linux-lts               :          5.4.59 ->          5.4.61
  mujs                    :           1.0.7 ->           1.0.8
  nim                     :           1.2.4 ->           1.2.6
  node                    :          14.8.0 ->          14.9.0
  nspr                    :            4.27 ->            4.28
  nss                     :            3.55 ->            3.56
  pipewire                :           0.3.8 ->          0.3.10
  podman                  :           2.0.4 ->           2.0.5
  poppler                 :          0.90.1 ->         20.08.0
  python2-sip             :         4.19.23 ->         4.19.24
  python-sip              :         4.19.23 ->         4.19.24
  qt-creator              : opensource-src-4.12.4 -> opensource-src-4.13.0
  rustc                   :          1.45.2 ->          1.46.0
  squid                   :            4.12 ->            4.13
  sshguard                :           2.4.0 ->           2.4.1
  st                      :           0.8.2 ->           0.8.4
  tellico                 :           3.3.1 ->           3.3.2
  thunderbird-bin         :          78.1.1 ->          78.2.0
  variety                 :           0.8.3 ->           0.8.4
  vmaf                    :           1.5.2 ->           1.5.3
  xorg-server             :          1.20.8 ->          1.20.9
  xterm                   :             358 ->             359


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