weekly news - 20200807

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Aug 7 12:35:33 CEST 2020


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (3)
     kpmcore-4.1.0: library for examining and manipulating all facets of storage devi
         kup-0.8.0: keep up-to-date backups of personal files
    vid.stab-1.1.0: video stabilization plugin

New versions: (121)
  alacritty               :           0.4.3 ->           0.5.0
  aspell-en               :    2018.04.16-0 ->    2019.10.06-0
  avidemux                :           2.7.4 ->           2.7.6
  bitcoin                 :          0.19.1 ->          0.20.1
  blender                 :          2.83.0 ->          2.83.4
  bluedevil               :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  breeze                  :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  breeze-grub             :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  breeze-gtk              :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  buildah                 :          1.15.0 ->          1.15.1
  calibre                 :          4.21.0 ->          4.22.0
  ccache                  :          3.7.10 ->          3.7.11
  cmake                   :          3.18.0 ->          3.18.1
  conky                   :          1.11.5 ->          1.11.6
  daq                     :           2.2.2 ->           2.0.7
  dart-sdk                :           2.8.4 ->           2.9.0
  discover                :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  erlang                  :            23.0 ->          23.0.3
  fzf                     :          0.21.1 ->          0.22.0
  gcc                     :           9.3.0 ->          10.2.0
  gettext                 :          0.20.2 ->            0.21
  glibc                   :            2.30 ->            2.31
  go                      :          1.14.6 ->          1.14.7
  graphviz                :          2.44.0 ->          2.44.1
  ImageMagick             :       7.0.10-24 ->       7.0.10-25
  imlib2                  :           1.6.1 ->           1.7.0
  inxi                    :        3.1.04-1 ->        3.1.05-1
  ipython                 :          7.15.0 ->          7.17.0
  irqbalance              :           1.0.8 ->           1.7.0
  jansson                 :            2.12 ->          2.13.1
  jasper                  :          2.0.17 ->          2.0.19
  kactivitymanagerd       :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  kde-cli-tools           :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  kdecoration             :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  kde-gtk-config          :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  kdeplasma-addons        :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  kgamma5                 :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  khotkeys                :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  kinfocenter             :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  kmenuedit               :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  kscreen                 :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  kscreenlocker           :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  ksshaskpass             :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  ksysguard               :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  kwallet-pam             :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  kwayland-integration    :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  kwayland-server         :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  kwin                    :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  kwrited                 :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  libcap                  :            2.37 ->            2.41
  libffi                  :           3.2.1 ->             3.3
  libgusb                 :           0.3.4 ->           0.3.5
  libidn                  :            1.35 ->            1.36
  libindi                 :           1.8.3 ->           1.8.5
  libkscreen              :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  libksysguard            :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  libqalculate            :          3.12.0 ->          3.12.1
  libressl                :           3.0.2 ->           3.1.2
  libunwind               :           1.3.1 ->           1.4.0
  libvpx                  :           1.8.2 ->           1.9.0
  libX11                  :           1.6.7 ->          1.6.10
  links                   :          2.20.2 ->            2.21
  linux-lts               :          5.4.53 ->          5.4.55
  luv                     :          1.38.0 ->        1.36.0-0
  mediastreamer           :          2.16.1 ->           4.4.0
  mercurial               :           5.4.2 ->             5.5
  mesa-lib                :          20.1.4 ->          20.1.5
  milou                   :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  mpg123                  :          1.26.2 ->          1.26.3
  nano                    :           4.9.3 ->             5.0
  ncurses                 :             6.1 ->             6.2
  neofetch                :           6.1.0 ->           7.1.0
  neovim                  :           0.4.3 ->           0.4.4
  okteta                  :          0.26.3 ->          0.26.4
  openafs                 :       1.8.6pre2 ->           1.8.6
  openafs-driver          :       1.8.6pre2 ->           1.8.6
  oxygen                  :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  papirus-icon-theme      :        20200702 ->        20200801
  php                     :           7.4.8 ->           7.4.9
  plasma                  :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  plasma-browser-integration:          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  plasma-desktop          :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  plasma-integration      :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  plasma-nm               :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  plasma-pa               :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  plasma-sdk              :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  plasma-tests            :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  plasma-thunderbolt      :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  plasma-vault            :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  plasma-wayland-protocols:             1.0 ->           1.1.1
  plasma-workspace        :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  plasma-workspace-wallpapers:          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  podman                  :           2.0.3 ->           2.0.4
  polkit                  :           0.116 ->           0.117
  polkit-kde-agent-1      :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  powerdevil              :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  proj                    :           7.0.0 ->           7.1.0
  protobuf                :          3.12.3 ->          3.12.4
  python-parso            :           0.7.0 ->           0.7.1
  python-psutil           :           5.7.0 ->           5.7.2
  python-scipy            :           1.2.3 ->           1.5.2
  qalculate-gtk           :          3.12.0 ->          3.12.1
  qjackctl                :           0.6.2 ->           0.6.3
  qscintilla2             :          2.11.4 ->          2.11.5
  racket                  :             7.7 ->             7.8
  re2                     :      2020-07-06 ->      2020-08-01
  re2c                    :             1.3 ->           2.0.1
  runc                    :      1.0.0-rc91 ->      1.0.0-rc92
  rustc                   :          1.45.0 ->          1.45.2
  sddm-kcm                :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  skanlite                :           2.1.0 ->           2.2.0
  snort                   :          2.9.16 ->
  systemd                 :             244 ->             246
  systemsettings          :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  tesseract               :           4.0.0 ->           4.1.1
  user-manager            :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  util-linux              :          2.35.2 ->            2.36
  wine                    :            5.12 ->            5.14
  xdg-desktop-portal-kde  :          5.19.3 ->          5.19.4
  xfsprogs                :           5.6.0 ->           5.7.0
  xfwm4                   :          4.14.3 ->          4.14.4


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