weekly news - 20191101

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Nov 1 12:35:43 CET 2019


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (1)
        gnome-3.34: profile for Gnome Window Manager

New versions: (46)
  adwaita-icon-theme      :         3.33.92 ->          3.34.0
  autofs                  :           5.1.4 ->           5.1.6
  bluez-5                 :              51 ->              52
  busybox                 :          1.31.0 ->          1.31.1
  check                   :          0.12.0 ->          0.13.0
  cmake                   :          3.15.4 ->          3.15.5
  efl                     :          1.23.0 ->          1.23.1
  eudev                   :           3.2.8 ->           3.2.9
  firefox-bin             :            70.0 ->          70.0.1
  fluidsynth              :           2.0.7 ->           2.0.8
  gawk                    :           4.2.1 ->           5.0.1
  gcr                     :          3.28.1 ->          3.34.0
  gradle                  :           5.6.2 ->           5.6.3
  harfbuzz                :           2.6.2 ->           2.6.4
  iana-etc                :        20190930 ->        20191030
  ImageMagick             :        7.0.8-68 ->         7.0.9-2
  iptables                :           1.8.2 ->           1.8.3
  ipython                 :           7.8.0 ->           7.9.0
  irssi                   :           1.2.1 ->           1.2.2
  keepassxc               :           2.4.3 ->           2.5.0
  libburn                 :           1.5.0 ->           1.5.2
  libedit                 :    20190324-3.1 ->    20191025-3.1
  libinput                :          1.14.2 ->          1.14.3
  libisoburn              :           1.5.0 ->           1.5.2
  libisofs                :           1.5.0 ->           1.5.2
  libmicrohttpd           :          0.9.67 ->          0.9.68
  libssh                  :           0.9.0 ->           0.9.1
  linux                   :          5.1.10 ->           5.3.7
  linux-lts               :         4.19.80 ->         4.19.81
  mesa-lib                :          19.2.1 ->          19.2.2
  ModemManager            :          1.10.6 ->          1.10.8
  mpv                     :          0.29.1 ->          0.30.0
  node                    :         12.13.0 ->          13.0.1
  npm                     :          6.11.3 ->          6.12.1
  pango                   :          1.44.6 ->          1.44.7
  python2-cffi            :          1.13.0 ->          1.13.1
  python-cffi             :          1.13.0 ->          1.13.1
  samba                   :          4.10.8 ->         4.10.10
  shared-mime-info        :            1.14 ->            1.15
  starship                :          0.25.0 ->          0.25.2
  subversion              :          1.12.2 ->          1.13.0
  sudo                    :        1.8.28p1 ->          1.8.29
  thunderbird-bin         :          68.2.0 ->          68.2.1
  timezone-data           :           2019b ->           2019c
  x265                    :           3.1.2 ->           3.2.1
  xf86-input-wacom        :          0.37.0 ->          0.38.0

Moved modules:
  MathJax                 :     other/fonts ->    other/crater


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