weekly news - 20190329

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Mar 29 12:35:29 CET 2019


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (2)
    clipmenu-5.6.0: Clipboard management using dmenu
  clipnotify-1.0.2: Polling-free clipboard notifier

New versions: (65)
  bind                    :          9.13.7 ->          9.14.0
  bind-utils              :          9.13.7 ->          9.14.0
  cabextract              :             1.9 ->           1.9.1
  caribou                 :          0.4.20 ->          0.4.21
  cheese                  :          3.28.0 ->          3.32.0
  clamav                  :         0.101.1 ->         0.101.2
  clutter-gtk             :           1.8.2 ->           1.8.4
  compton                 :             5.1 ->             6.2
  cups                    :          2.2.10 ->          2.2.11
  curl                    :          7.64.0 ->          7.64.1
  dovecot                 :           2.3.5 ->
  elogind                 :           239.3 ->           241.1
  eog                     :          3.28.4 ->          3.32.0
  erlang                  :            21.3 ->          21.3.2
  ffmpeg                  :           4.1.1 ->           4.1.2
  firefox-bin             :            66.0 ->          66.0.2
  freetype2               :           2.9.1 ->          2.10.0
  gedit                   :          3.30.2 ->          3.32.0
  gexiv2                  :          0.10.8 ->          0.12.0
  giflib                  :           5.1.4 ->           5.1.8
  gjs                     :          1.55.4 ->          1.56.0
  glusterfs               :             5.5 ->             6.0
  gnome-backgrounds       :          3.30.0 ->          3.32.0
  gnome-bluetooth         :          3.28.2 ->          3.32.1
  gnome-calculator        :          3.30.1 ->          3.32.0
  gnome-color-manager     :          3.30.0 ->          3.32.0
  gnome-desktop           :          3.30.2 ->          3.32.0
  gnome-font-viewer       :          3.28.0 ->          3.32.0
  gnome-keyring           : ->         3.31.91
  gnome-menus             :          3.13.3 ->          3.32.0
  gnome-power-manager     :          3.26.0 ->          3.32.0
  gnome-screenshot        :          3.20.1 ->          3.32.0
  gnome-session           :          3.30.1 ->          3.32.0
  gnome-settings-daemon   :          3.30.2 ->          3.32.0
  gnome-terminal          :          3.30.2 ->          3.32.0
  gnupg                   :          2.2.14 ->          2.2.15
  gpgme                   :          1.12.0 ->          1.13.0
  gsettings-desktop-schemas:          3.28.0 ->          3.32.0
  gvfs                    :          1.38.2 ->          1.40.0
  iana-etc                :        20190228 ->        20190312
  ImageMagick             :       6.9.10-34 ->       6.9.10-35
  intel-ucode             :        20180807 ->        20190312
  isl                     :            0.20 ->            0.21
  keybinder3              :           0.3.1 ->           0.3.2
  libgda                  :           5.2.4 ->           5.2.8
  libgnomekbd             :          3.26.0 ->          3.26.1
  libwww-perl             :            6.37 ->            6.38
  lightdm-mini-greeter    :           0.3.3 ->           0.3.4
  metacity                :          3.28.0 ->          3.30.1
  nautilus                :          3.30.5 ->          3.32.0
  NetworkManager          :          1.14.6 ->          1.16.0
  nginx                   :          1.15.9 ->         1.15.10
  pure-ftpd               :          1.0.47 ->          1.0.48
  py3status               :            3.16 ->            3.17
  PyQt5                   :          5.11.3 ->          5.12.1
  python2-lxml            :           4.3.2 ->           4.3.3
  python-lxml             :           4.3.2 ->           4.3.3
  setconf                 :           0.7.5 ->           0.7.6
  talloc                  :          2.1.16 ->           2.2.0
  thunderbird-bin         :          60.6.0 ->          60.6.1
  tuxpaint                :          0.9.22 ->          0.9.23
  yelp                    :          3.30.0 ->          3.32.0
  yelp-tools              :          3.28.0 ->          3.32.0
  yelp-xsl                :          3.30.1 ->          3.32.0
  zenity                  :          3.28.0 ->          3.32.0

Moved modules:
  gdk-pixbuf              :  other/graphics ->     gnome3/libs
  glib-networking         :      other/libs ->     gnome3/libs
  gtk+-3                  :  other/graphics ->     gnome3/libs


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