weekly news - 20190712

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Jul 12 12:35:34 CEST 2019


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (4)
   newsboat-2.16.1: An RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals
  tmux-continuum-3.1.0: Continuous saving of tmux environment
  tmux-resurrect-2.4.0: Persist tmux environment across system restarts
  tmux-xpanes-4.1.1: Create multiple panes with ultimate terminal divider

New versions: (52)
  acpica-unix             :        20190509 ->        20190703
  cbindgen                :           0.8.2 ->           0.9.0
  chrono                  :          0.2.38 ->          0.2.39
  Cinnamon                :           4.2.0 ->           4.2.2
  cinnamon-control-center :           4.2.0 ->           4.2.1
  cinnamon-settings-daemon:           4.2.0 ->           4.2.1
  cinnamon-translations   :           4.2.0 ->           4.2.1
  cups-filters            :          1.25.0 ->          1.25.1
  dunst                   :           1.4.0 ->           1.4.1
  ffcall                  :            1.10 ->             2.1
  ffmpeg                  :           4.1.3 ->           4.1.4
  firefox                 :          67.0.4 ->            68.0
  firefox-bin             :          67.0.4 ->            68.0
  flash-plugin            : ->
  gammaray                :          2.10.0 ->          2.11.0
  gdbus-codegen           :          2.60.4 ->          2.60.5
  gnupg                   :          2.2.16 ->          2.2.17
  gnutls                  :          3.5.19 ->           3.6.8
  go                      :          1.12.6 ->          1.12.7
  guile                   :           2.2.5 ->           2.2.6
  iana-etc                :        20190531 ->        20190702
  ImageMagick             :        7.0.8-51 ->        7.0.8-53
  ipython                 :           7.5.0 ->           7.6.1
  irssi                   :           1.2.0 ->           1.2.1
  libmicrohttpd           :          0.9.63 ->          0.9.65
  linux-lts               :         4.19.56 ->         4.19.58
  mercurial               :           5.0.1 ->           5.0.2
  monit                   :          5.25.3 ->          5.26.0
  muffin                  :           4.2.0 ->           4.2.1
  nemo                    :           4.2.0 ->           4.2.1
  netdata                 :         v1.15.0 ->         v1.16.0
  nettle                  :           3.4.1 ->           3.5.1
  node                    :          12.1.0 ->          12.6.0
  nss                     :          3.44.1 ->            3.45
  nudoku                  :           0.2.5 ->           1.0.0
  poppler                 :          0.77.0 ->          0.78.0
  PyQt5                   :          5.12.3 ->          5.13.0
  python2-pillow          :           6.0.0 ->           6.1.0
  python2-scipy           :           1.0.0 ->           1.0.1
  python2-sip             :         4.19.17 ->         4.19.18
  python-pillow           :           6.0.0 ->           6.1.0
  python-sip              :         4.19.17 ->         4.19.18
  R                       :           3.6.0 ->           3.6.1
  rofi                    :           1.5.3 ->           1.5.4
  samba                   :          4.10.5 ->          4.10.6
  scdoc                   :           1.9.4 ->           1.9.6
  sqlite                  :         3280000 ->         3290000
  squid                   :             4.7 ->             4.8
  thunderbird             :          60.7.1 ->          60.7.2
  thunderbird-bin         :          60.7.2 ->          60.8.0
  wine                    :            4.11 ->          4.12.1
  xapps                   :           1.4.7 ->           1.4.8

Moved modules:
  ffcall                  :    other/crater ->      other/libs
  nudoku                  :    other/crater ->     other/games


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