weekly news - 20180302

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Mar 2 12:35:30 CET 2018


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (16)
        abcl-1.5.0: Full implementation of the Common Lisp language in the JVM
        boot-2.7.2: Build tooling for Clojure
       gnupg-2.2.5: GnuPG 2.0 provides additional features not present in former gnup
      grails-3.3.2: Groovy on rails, web framework
     groovy-2.4.13: An agile dynamic language for the Java Platform
     isodate-0.6.0: An ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formatter
       ldap3-2.4.1: A conforming LDAP V3 pure Python client library
   leiningen-2.8.1: Automate Clojure projects without setting your hair on fire
       maven-3.5.2: A software project management and comprehension tool
   openrc-eudev-32: OpenRC eudev startup scripts
    openrc-0.34.11: The OpenRC init system
  openrc-sysvinit-2.88dsf: Sysvinit patched to use alternate inittab for openrc
  opensysusers-0.3.2: Handling systemd-style sysusers.d users and groups
  opentmpfiles-0.1.3: An utility for handling systemd-style tmpfiles.d settings
  unidecode-1.0.22: ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
  xprintidle-0.2.2: Print X idle time

Removed modules: (7)

New versions: (127)
  apache-ant              :           1.9.9 ->          1.10.2
  bitcoin                 :          0.15.1 ->          0.16.0
  bleachbit               :            1.12 ->             2.0
  blender                 :            2.79 ->           2.79a
  bluedevil               :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  bluefish                :           2.2.9 ->          2.2.10
  breeze                  :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  breeze-grub             :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  breeze-gtk              :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  btrfs-progs             :            4.15 ->          4.15.1
  calibre                 :          3.17.0 ->          3.18.0
  c-ares                  :          1.13.0 ->          1.14.0
  cffi                    :          1.11.3 ->          1.11.5
  clamav                  :          0.99.2 ->          0.99.3
  clojurescript           :         1.9.854 ->         1.9.946
  conky                   :          1.10.7 ->          1.10.8
  cups-filters            :          1.20.0 ->          1.20.1
  darktable               :           2.4.0 ->           2.4.1
  dhcp                    :           4.4.0 ->           4.4.1
  dmenu                   :             4.6 ->             4.7
  feh                     :          2.23.2 ->            2.24
  freexl                  :           1.0.4 ->           1.0.5
  gambit                  :           4.8.8 ->           4.8.9
  gcc                     :           7.2.0 ->           7.3.0
  gegl-0.3                :              20 ->              28
  gexiv2                  :          0.10.6 ->          0.10.8
  graphene                :           1.6.0 ->           1.8.0
  iana-etc                :        20160314 ->        20180221
  ImageMagick             :        6.9.9-34 ->        6.9.9-35
  intel-ucode             :        20180108 ->        20171117
  iperf3                  :             3.3 ->             3.4
  isolate                 :             1.2 ->             1.5
  joe                     :             4.5 ->             4.6
  kactivitymanagerd       :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  kde-cli-tools           :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  kdecoration             :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  kde-gtk-config          :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  kdeplasma-addons        :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  kgamma5                 :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  khotkeys                :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  kinfocenter             :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  kmenuedit               :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  kscreen                 :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  kscreenlocker           :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  ksshaskpass             :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  kstars                  :           2.9.2 ->           2.9.3
  ksysguard               :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  kwallet-pam             :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  kwayland-integration    :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  kwin                    :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  kwrited                 :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  lame                    :          3.99.5 ->           3.100
  leptonica               :          1.74.4 ->          1.75.3
  less                    :             487 ->             530
  libaccounts-glib        :            1.21 ->            1.23
  libkscreen              :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  libksysguard            :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  liborcus                :          0.13.3 ->          0.13.4
  libpqxx                 :           6.0.0 ->           6.1.0
  LibRaw                  :          0.18.5 ->          0.18.8
  libreoffice-bin         :           6.0.1 ->           6.0.2
  libunistring            :           0.9.8 ->           0.9.9
  lightdm-gtk-greeter     :           2.0.2 ->           2.0.4
  linux                   :         4.14.13 ->   4.15.5
  logwatch                :           7.4.2 ->           7.4.3
  lunar                   :              26 ->              27
  lyx                     :           2.2.3 ->           2.3.0
  lzip                    :            1.19 ->            1.20
  matplotlib              :           1.5.2 ->           2.1.2
  memcached               :           1.5.4 ->           1.5.5
  microcode               :        20180108 ->        20171117
  milou                   :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  mkvtoolnix              :          20.0.0 ->          21.0.0
  molequeue               :           0.8.0 ->           0.9.0
  mpd                     :         0.20.17 ->         0.20.18
  ncurses                 :             6.0 ->             6.1
  netcdf-cxx              :             4.2 ->           4.3.0
  newt                    :         0.52.19 ->         0.52.20
  nim                     :          0.17.2 ->          0.18.0
  nimble                  :           0.8.8 ->          0.8.10
  node                    :           9.5.0 ->           9.7.0
  NVIDIA                  :          384.98 ->          390.25
  openvpn                 :           2.4.4 ->           2.4.5
  oxygen                  :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  p11-kit                 :          0.23.9 ->         0.23.10
  phonon                  :           4.9.1 ->          4.10.0
  phonon-backend-vlc      :           0.9.1 ->          0.10.1
  php                     :           7.2.2 ->           7.2.3
  plasma                  :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  plasma-desktop          :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  plasma-integration      :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  plasma-nm               :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  plasma-pa               :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  plasma-sdk              :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  plasma-tests            :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  plasma-vault            :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  plasma-workspace        :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  plasma-workspace-wallpapers:          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  polkit-kde-agent-1      :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  postgresql              :            10.2 ->            10.3
  powerdevil              :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  ptex                    :          2.1.28 ->          2.1.33
  PyQt5                   :      5.9.2
5.10 ->          5.10.1
  qscintilla2             :      gpl-2.10.2 ->      gpl-2.10.3
  rdflib                  :           4.2.1 ->           4.2.2
  requests                :          2.18.3 ->          2.18.4
  rkhunter                :           1.4.2 ->           1.4.6
  rustc                   :      1.24.0-src ->      1.24.1-src
  scipy                   :          0.17.1 ->           1.0.0
  sddm-kcm                :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  sip                     :          4.19.7 ->          4.19.8
  spglib                  :          1.10.2 ->          1.10.3
  SQLAlchemy              :           1.2.3 ->           1.2.4
  sun-jdk                 :           8u161 ->           8u162
  sun-jre                 :           8u161 ->           8u162
  systemsettings          :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  tcllib                  :            1.17 ->            1.19
  Test-Tester             :           0.107 ->           0.109
  tig                     :           2.1.1 ->             2.2
  user-manager            :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  wavpack                 :           5.0.0 ->           5.1.0
  x265                    :             2.6 ->             2.7
  xdg-desktop-portal-kde  :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  xerces-c                :           3.2.0 ->           3.2.1
  xfsprogs                :          4.14.0 ->          4.15.1
  zeitgeist               :          0.9.16 ->           1.0.1

Moved modules:
  guidance-power-manager  :       kde/utils ->      kde/crater
  knutclient              :       kde/utils ->      kde/crater
  kvpnc                   :     kde/network ->      kde/crater
  linux                   :     core/kernel -> core/kernel
  plasma-mediacenter      :      kde/plasma ->      kde/crater
  PyQt                    :    other/python ->    kde/qt4-apps
  PyQt5                   : kde/qt5-apps
other/python ->    kde/qt5-apps
  python3-PyQt            :    other/python ->    other/crater


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