weekly news - 20180420

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Apr 20 12:35:21 CEST 2018


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (4)
    Kvantum-0.10.6: SVG-based theme engine for Qt4/Qt5 and KDE
  libutf8proc-1.3.1-3: C library for processing UTF-8 encoded Unicode strings
  netcdf-fortran-4.4.4: NetCDF fortran bindings
  unicode-character-database-10.0.0: Unicode Character Database

Removed modules: (1)

New versions: (119)
  acpid                   :          2.0.28 ->          2.0.29
  anyremote               :           6.6.1 ->           6.7.1
  assimp                  :             3.2 ->           4.1.0
  attica                  :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  autossh                 :            1.4e ->            1.4f
  babl                    :          0.1.44 ->          0.1.46
  baloo                   :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  bluez-qt                :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  breeze-icons            :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  cmake                   :          3.11.0 ->          3.11.1
  cogl                    :          1.22.0 ->          1.22.2
  dblatex                 :           0.3.5 ->          0.3.10
  exim                    :          4.90.1 ->            4.91
  extra-cmake-modules     :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  fdk-aac                 :           0.1.5 ->           0.1.6
  frameworkintegration    :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  gobject-introspection   :          1.56.0 ->          1.56.1
  gpgme                   :          1.10.0 ->          1.11.0
  gphoto2                 :          2.5.15 ->          2.5.17
  gtk+-3                  :           22.29 ->           22.30
  inkscape                :          0.92.2 ->          0.92.3
  inxi                    :          2.3.56 ->        3.0.03-1
  ipset                   :            6.36 ->            6.38
  kactivities-frameworks  :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kactivities-stats       :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kapidox                 :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  karchive                :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kauth                   :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kbookmarks              :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kcmutils                :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kcodecs                 :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kcompletion             :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kconfig                 :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kconfigwidgets          :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kcoreaddons             :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kcrash                  :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kdbusaddons             :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kdeclarative            :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kded                    :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kdesignerplugin         :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kdesu                   :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kdewebkit               :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kdnssd                  :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kdoctools               :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kemoticons              :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kf5                     :            5.44 ->            5.45
  kfilemetadata           :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kglobalaccel            :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kguiaddons              :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kholidays-frameworks    :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  ki18n                   :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kiconthemes             :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kidletime               :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kimageformats           :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kinit                   :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kio                     :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kirigami2               :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kitemmodels             :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kitemviews              :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kjobwidgets             :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  knewstuff               :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  knotifications          :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  knotifyconfig           :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kpackage                :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kparts                  :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kpeople                 :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kplotting               :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kpty                    :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  krunner                 :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kservice                :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  ktexteditor             :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  ktextwidgets            :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kunitconversion         :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kwallet                 :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kwayland-frameworks     :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kwidgetsaddons          :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kwindowsystem           :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kxmlgui                 :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  kxmlrpcclient           :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  libgit2                 :          0.26.0 ->          0.27.0
  libgphoto2              :          2.5.16 ->          2.5.17
  libinput                :          1.10.4 ->          1.10.5
  linux                   :         4.15.13 ->          4.16.2
  modemmanager-qt         :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  mupdf                   :           1.10a ->          1.12.0
  mutt                    :           1.9.4 ->           1.9.5
  netatalk                :          3.1.10 ->          3.1.11
  networkmanager-qt       :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  nghttp2                 :          1.31.0 ->          1.31.1
  nginx                   :          1.13.9 ->          1.14.0
  octomap                 :           1.8.0 ->           1.9.0
  oxygen-icons5           :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  ParaView                :           5.4.1 ->           5.5.0
  phpMyAdmin              :           4.8.0 ->
  Pillow                  :           5.0.0 ->           5.1.0
  plasma-framework        :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  pptp                    :           1.8.0 ->          1.10.0
  prison                  :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  pugixml                 :           1.8.1 ->             1.9
  pycairo                 :          1.16.3 ->          1.17.0
  qqc2-desktop-style      :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  rkward                  :           0.6.5 ->           0.7.0
  shotwell                :          0.28.1 ->          0.28.2
  solid                   :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  sonnet                  :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  spl                     :           0.7.6 ->           0.7.8
  subversion              :           1.9.7 ->          1.10.0
  syntax-highlighting     :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  tdb                     :          1.3.12 ->          1.3.15
  threadweaver            :          5.44.0 ->          5.45.0
  tmux                    :             2.6 ->             2.7
  vala                    :          0.40.2 ->          0.40.4
  VirtualBox              :           5.2.6 ->          5.2.10
  weston                  :           3.0.0 ->           4.0.0
  wxMaxima                :         17.10.1 ->         18.02.0
  xl2tpd                  :           1.3.9 ->
  zfs                     :           0.7.6 ->           0.7.8
  zfs-utils               :           0.7.6 ->           0.7.8
  zsh                     :             5.5 ->           5.5.1


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