weekly news - 20180406

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Apr 6 12:35:23 CEST 2018


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (12)
     bitstream-1.3: headers allowing a simpler access to binary structures
     elogind-235.3: The systemd logind project extracted as a standalone package
       eudev-3.2.5: The userspace dev tools (udev) forked by Gentoo
       guile-1-8.8: A portable, embeddable Scheme implementation
  openrc-elogind-2018: OpenRC elogind init script
     OWSLib-0.16.0: python opwen web service interface standards
   python-ly-0.9.5: manipulate lilypond documents
  python-slip-0.6.5: Convenience, extension and workaround code for Python
        qgis-3.0.1: Qt based Geographic Information System
          qgit-2.7: A Qt client for git
       qtox-1.14.1: Powerful Qt 5.x based Tox client
   sqlcipher-3.4.2: SQLite extension that provides encryption of database files

Removed modules: (1)

New versions: (104)
  accountsservice         :          0.6.45 ->          0.6.46
  alsa-lib                :           1.1.5 ->           1.1.6
  alsa-oss                :          1.0.28 ->           1.1.6
  alsa-plugins            :           1.1.5 ->           1.1.6
  alsa-utils              :           1.1.5 ->           1.1.6
  apsw                    :       3.13.0-r1 ->       3.22.0-r1
  autofs                  :           5.1.3 ->           5.1.4
  babl                    :          0.1.42 ->          0.1.44
  busybox                 :          1.28.2 ->          1.28.3
  camlp4                  :          4.02+7 ->          4.06+1
  camlp5                  :            6.15 ->          rel705
  colorgcc                :           1.3.2 ->           1.4.5
  cryptopp                :           5.6.3 ->           6.1.0
  cssselect               :           1.0.0 ->           1.0.3
  ddrescue                :            1.22 ->            1.23
  dhcpcd                  :           7.0.1 ->           7.0.2
  dnspython               :          1.14.0 ->          1.15.0
  drumstick               :           1.1.0 ->           1.1.1
  e2fsprogs               :          1.44.0 ->          1.44.1
  elektra                 :          0.8.21 ->          0.8.22
  findlib                 :           1.6.2 ->           1.7.3
  firefox                 :          54.0.1 ->          59.0.2
  firetools               :          0.9.50 ->          0.9.52
  freeciv                 :          2.5.10 ->          2.5.11
  freetds                 :         1.00.80 ->         1.00.85
  gammu                   :          1.38.2 ->          1.39.0
  gcal                    :           3.6.3 ->             4.1
  gdal                    :           2.2.3 ->           2.2.4
  gegl-0.3                :              28 ->              30
  git                     :          2.16.3 ->          2.17.0
  glade                   :          3.22.0 ->          3.22.1
  glibmm                  :          2.54.1 ->          2.56.0
  glm                     : ->
  go                      :            1.10 ->          1.10.1
  groovy                  :          2.4.14 ->          2.4.15
  icu4c                   :            60.2 ->            61.1
  inotify-tools           :            3.14 ->          3.20.1
  intel-tbb               :         2018_U2 ->         2018_U3
  json-c                  :            0.13 ->          0.13.1
  kio-gdrive              :           1.2.1 ->           1.2.2
  kotlin                  :          1.2.30 ->          1.2.31
  libcurl-compat          :          7.58.0 ->          7.59.0
  libdvdcss               :           1.4.1 ->           1.4.2
  libextractor            :             1.3 ->             1.6
  libiodbc                :          3.52.9 ->         3.52.12
  libLASi                 :           1.1.1 ->           1.1.2
  libmtp                  :          1.1.14 ->          1.1.15
  libpqxx                 :           6.1.0 ->           6.1.1
  libqalculate            :           2.2.1 ->           2.3.0
  libQGLViewer            :           2.6.3 ->           2.7.1
  libreoffice-bin         :           6.0.2 ->           6.0.3
  librsvg                 :         2.40.20 ->          2.42.3
  libsecret               :          0.18.5 ->          0.18.6
  libuv                   :          1.19.2 ->          1.20.0
  libuvc                  :          v0.0.5 ->           0.0.6
  libvirt                 :           4.1.0 ->           4.2.0
  libXcm                  :           0.5.3 ->           0.5.4
  linux                   :         4.15.10 ->         4.15.13
  lirc                    :          0.9.4d ->          0.10.1
  live555                 :      2017.10.28 ->      2018.02.28
  lsof                    :            4.90 ->            4.91
  mapnik                  :          3.0.17 ->         v3.0.19
  mariadb                 :         10.2.11 ->         10.2.14
  mercurial               :           4.5.2 ->           4.5.3
  ming                    :           0_4_7 ->           0_4_8
  mkvtoolnix              :          21.0.0 ->          22.0.0
  mpg123                  :          1.25.8 ->         1.25.10
  msgpack                 :           0.5.4 ->           0.5.5
  mxml                    :             2.9 ->            2.11
  nano                    :           2.9.4 ->           2.9.5
  nasm                    :         2.13.02 ->         2.13.03
  netifaces               :          0.10.4 ->          0.10.6
  node                    :           9.9.0 ->          9.11.1
  ocaml                   :          4.05.0 ->          4.06.0
  ocaml-fileutils         :           0.4.4 ->           0.5.3
  openafs                 : ->
  openafs-driver          : ->
  openscad                :       2015.03-2 ->         2015.03
  ounit                   :           2.0.0 ->           2.0.7
  pcre                    :            8.41 ->            8.42
  pcsc-lite               :          1.8.20 ->          1.8.23
  pkcs11-helper           :            1.11 ->            1.22
  postgis                 :           2.4.2 ->           2.4.3
  pv                      :           1.6.0 ->           1.6.6
  python-dateutil         :           2.5.3 ->           2.7.2
  qalculate-gtk           :           2.2.1 ->           2.3.0
  re2                     :      2018-03-01 ->      2018-04-01
  rustc                   :      1.24.1-src ->      1.25.0-src
  skanlite                :             2.0 ->           2.1.0
  smb4k                   :           2.0.2 ->           2.1.0
  spotify-client          : ->
  SQLAlchemy              :           1.2.4 ->           1.2.6
  sqlite                  :         3220000 ->         3230000
  tellico                 :           3.1.1 ->           3.1.2
  timezone-data           :           2018c ->           2018d
  toxcore                 :          0.1.11 ->           0.2.1
  unrar                   :           5.6.1 ->           5.6.2
  usb-modeswitch          :           2.5.0 ->           2.5.2
  vmpk                    :           0.5.1 ->          0.6.2a
  wine                    :             3.4 ->             3.5
  xbase                   :           2.0.0 ->           3.3.2
  yakuake                 :           3.0.4 ->           3.0.5
  you-get                 :        0.4.1011 ->        0.4.1040
  zstd                    :           1.3.3 ->           1.3.4

Moved modules:
  srt                     :      other/libs ->       other/net


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