weekly news - 20160527

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri May 27 12:35:36 CEST 2016


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (8)
   alabaster-0.7.8: A configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme
       Babel-2.3.4: A collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
   imagesize-0.7.1: Getting image size from png/jpeg/jpeg2000/gif file
  labplot-2.2.0-kf5: Scientific Data Plotter
      leveldb-1.18: Google's LevelDB fast key-value storage library
   libcacard-2.5.2: A library thar provides emulation of smart cards
       Ricin-0.1.1: A dead-simple but powerful Tox client
  snowballstemmer-1.2.1: A Python stemming library

New versions: (64)
  atom                    :           1.7.3 ->           1.7.4
  at-spi2-core            :          2.20.1 ->          2.20.2
  avogadro                :           1.1.0 ->           1.1.1
  bind                    :          9.10.4 ->       9.10.4-P1
  bind-utils              :          9.10.4 ->       9.10.4-P1
  calibre                 :          2.56.0 ->          2.57.1
  chromium                :   47.0.2526.106 ->   50.0.2661.102
  Cinnamon                :           3.0.2 ->           3.0.3
  dcraw                   :          9.26.0 ->          9.27.0
  dhcpcd                  :          6.10.3 ->          6.11.0
  dialog                  :    1.3-20160209 ->    1.3-20160424
  dnsmasq                 :            2.75 ->            2.76
  e2fsprogs               :         1.42.13 ->            1.43
  enblend-enfuse          :           4.1.4 ->             4.2
  enlightenment           :          0.20.6 ->          0.20.7
  exempi                  :           2.2.2 ->           2.3.0
  freexl                  :           1.0.1 ->           1.0.2
  gdal                    :           2.0.2 ->           2.1.0
  gdbus-codegen           :          2.46.2 ->          2.48.1
  git                     :           2.8.2 ->           2.8.3
  gl2ps                   :           1.3.8 ->           1.3.9
  glpk                    :            4.55 ->            4.60
  gphoto2                 :           2.5.9 ->          2.5.10
  gtk+-3                  :            20.4 ->            20.6
  ImageMagick             :         6.9.4-1 ->         6.9.4-4
  jenkins                 :             2.2 ->             2.5
  kphotoalbum             :           4.6.2 ->           4.7.1
  leptonica               :            1.71 ->            1.73
  lftp                    :           4.7.1 ->           4.7.2
  libarchive              :           3.1.2 ->           3.2.0
  libdbusmenu-qt5         : 0.9.3+15.10.20150604 -> 0.9.3+16.04.20160218
  libevdev                :           1.4.6 ->           1.5.1
  libgphoto2              :           2.5.9 ->          2.5.10
  libinput                :           1.2.4 ->           1.3.0
  libpgf                  :     src-6.14.12 ->         7.15.32
  lvm2                    :        2.02.153 ->        2.02.154
  mariadb                 :         10.1.13 ->         10.1.14
  matplotlib              :           1.5.0 ->           1.5.1
  mpg123                  :          1.22.4 ->          1.23.3
  nghttp2                 :          1.10.0 ->          1.11.0
  nginx                   :          1.10.0 ->          1.11.0
  npm                     :           3.9.0 ->           3.9.2
  nss                     :            3.23 ->            3.24
  NVIDIA                  :          358.16 ->          361.42
  obexftp                 :     0.24-Source ->   0.24.2-Source
  openobex                :    1.7.1-Source ->    1.7.2-Source
  openttd                 :           1.3.3 ->           1.6.0
  pam_yubico              :            2.21 ->            2.22
  ParaView                :          v4.4.0 ->          v5.0.1
  pepperflash             : ->
  perl                    :          5.22.2 ->          5.24.0
  php                     :           7.0.6 ->           7.0.7
  phpMyAdmin              :           4.6.1 ->           4.6.2
  python-dateutil         :           2.4.1 ->           2.5.3
  qhull                   :          2012.1 ->            2015
  scribus                 :           1.4.5 ->           1.4.6
  setuptools              :          21.0.0 ->          21.2.0
  Sigil                   :           0.9.1 ->           0.9.5
  spice                   :          0.12.5 ->          0.12.7
  spice-protocol          :          0.12.7 ->         0.12.11
  tar                     :            1.28 ->            1.29
  tulip                   :       4.7.0_src ->       4.8.1_src
  wavpack                 :          4.75.2 ->          4.80.0
  wine                    :           1.9.9 ->          1.9.10

Moved modules:
  krunner                 : kde/portingAids ->  kde/frameworks


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