weekly news - 20160610

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Jun 10 12:35:36 CEST 2016


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (8)
  autoconf-mozilla-2.13: Produces shell scripts which configure source code
  libfreenect2-0.2.0: Drivers and libraries for the 'Kinect for Windows v2' device
     ocl-icd-2.2.9: OpenCL ICD loader
    pngquant-2.7.0: lossy compression of PNG images
     pyexiv2-0.3.2: A Python binding to exiv2
       pytz-2016.4: Olson tz database for Python
  xmlrpc-c-1.39.07: This library provides a modular implementation of XML-RPC for C a

New versions: (43)
  calibre                 :          2.57.1 ->          2.58.0
  chromium                :   50.0.2661.102 ->    51.0.2704.84
  clojurescript           :          1.8.51 ->          1.9.14
  cryptsetup              :           1.7.1 ->           1.7.2
  dart-sdk                :          1.16.0 ->          1.16.1
  firefox                 :          46.0.1 ->            47.0
  gammu                   :          1.36.5 ->          1.37.3
  gd                      :           2.1.1 ->           2.2.1
  gdb                     :            7.11 ->          7.11.1
  gnutls                  :          3.4.11 ->          3.4.13
  ImageMagick             :         6.9.4-4 ->         6.9.4-7
  iproute2                :           4.5.0 ->           4.6.0
  jenkins                 :             2.5 ->             2.7
  kaffeine                :           1.2.2 ->           2.0.2
  kwave                   :          0.8.12 ->           0.9.1
  libinput                :           1.3.0 ->           1.3.1
  libpng                  :          1.6.21 ->          1.6.22
  libressl                :           2.3.5 ->           2.4.0
  libvirt                 :           1.3.4 ->           1.3.5
  linux                   :          4.4.10 ->          4.4.11
  luminance-hdr           :           2.3.1 ->           2.4.0
  lvm2                    :        2.02.154 ->        2.02.155
  make                    :             4.1 ->             4.2
  mesa-lib                :          11.2.1 ->          11.2.2
  nemo                    :           3.0.3 ->           3.0.5
  nghttp2                 :          1.11.0 ->          1.11.1
  node                    :           6.2.0 ->           6.2.1
  npm                     :           3.9.3 ->           3.9.5
  ntp                     :         4.2.8p4 ->         4.2.8p8
  NVIDIA                  :          361.42 ->       361.45.11
  ocaml-gettext           :           0.3.4 ->           0.3.5
  openntpd                :           5.9p1 ->           6.0p1
  pciutils                :           3.4.1 ->           3.5.1
  python-poppler-qt4      :          0.18.1 ->          0.24.0
  qt-creator              : opensource-src-3.1.2 -> opensource-src-4.0.1
  radvd                   :            2.12 ->            2.13
  samba                   :           4.4.3 ->           4.4.4
  Sphinx                  :           1.4.1 ->           1.4.2
  swig                    :           3.0.8 ->           3.0.9
  variety                 :           0.5.5 ->           0.6.0
  vym                     :           2.2.4 ->           2.5.0
  webkit2gtk3             :          2.11.4 ->          2.13.1
  zeromq                  :           4.1.1 ->           4.1.4

Moved modules:
  kwave                   :  kde/multimedia ->    kde/qt5-apps
  luminance-hdr           :    kde/qt4-apps ->    kde/qt5-apps
  qt-creator              :    kde/qt4-apps ->    kde/qt5-apps
  vym                     :    kde/qt4-apps ->    kde/qt5-apps


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