weekly news - 20161223

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Dec 23 12:35:23 CET 2016


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (4)
  abi-compliance-checker-1.99.25: check binary and source-level compatibility of a C/C++ library
  abi-dumper-0.99.19: dump ABI of an ELF object
       googler-2.9: googler is a power tool to Google search from the terminal
  vtable-dumper-1.2: list content of virtual tables in a C++ shared library

New versions: (38)
  alsa-lib                :           1.1.2 ->           1.1.3
  alsa-utils              :           1.1.2 ->           1.1.3
  audacious               :             3.8 ->           3.8.1
  audacious-plugins       :             3.8 ->           3.8.1
  busybox                 :          1.25.1 ->          1.26.0
  calibre                 :          2.74.0 ->          2.75.0
  Cinnamon                :           3.2.6 ->           3.2.7
  cinnamon-screensaver    :           3.2.9 ->          3.2.12
  cups-filters            :          1.13.0 ->          1.13.1
  curl                    :          7.51.0 ->          7.52.0
  firefox                 :          50.0.2 ->          50.1.0
  gdbus-codegen           :          2.50.2 ->          2.51.0
  geoip-database          :        20161031 ->        20161206
  glib-2                  :            50.2 ->            51.0
  gnupg2                  :          2.1.16 ->          2.1.17
  gsl                     :           2.2.1 ->             2.3
  httpd-2.4               :              23 ->              25
  ImageMagick             :         6.9.6-6 ->         6.9.7-0
  jenkins                 :            2.35 ->            2.37
  libcdio                 :            0.93 ->            0.94
  NetworkManager          :           1.4.2 ->           1.4.4
  nmap                    :            7.31 ->            7.40
  node                    :           7.2.1 ->           7.3.0
  ocl-icd                 :           2.2.9 ->          2.2.10
  octave                  :           4.0.3 ->           4.2.0
  openmpi                 :          1.10.4 ->          1.10.5
  openssh                 :           7.3p1 ->           7.4p1
  poppler                 :          0.49.0 ->          0.50.0
  Python                  :          2.7.12 ->          2.7.13
  rustc                   :          1.13.0 ->          1.14.0
  samba                   :           4.5.2 ->           4.5.3
  shotwell                :          0.24.2 ->          0.24.3
  speex                   :          1.2rc2 ->           1.2.0
  squid                   :          3.5.22 ->          3.5.23
  tdb                     :          1.3.11 ->          1.3.12
  webkitgtk3              :          2.4.10 ->          2.4.11
  ZopeInterface           :           4.2.0 ->           4.3.3
  zsh                     :             5.3 ->           5.3.1


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