weekly news - 20150710

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Jul 10 12:35:39 CEST 2015


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (23)
  Canary-Stability-2006: canary to check perl compatibility for schmorp's modules
    Carp-Clan-6.04: report errors from perspective of caller of a clan of module
      elixir-1.0.5: A functional meta-programming language built on top of Erlang
  File-HomeDir-1.00: Find your home and other directories on any platform
  Filesys-Statvfs-0.82: Perl extension for statvfs() and fstatvfs()
   File-Which-1.18: Perl implementation of the which utility as an API
     gnu-efi-3.0.2: Library for building EFI applications
      gummiboot-48: Simple UEFI Boot Manager
  IPC-System-Simple-1.25: Run commands simply, with detailed diagnostics
       Lchown-1.01: use the lchown(2) system call from Perl
      libgudev-230: GObject bindings for libudev
  lksctp-tools-1.0.16: An implementation of the SCTP protocol
  Mail-POP3Client-2.19: talk to a POP3 (RFC1939) server
   MIME-Types-2.11: data-structure to keep knowledge about various data types are def
  Module-Implementation-0.09: loads one of several alternate underlying implementations for a m
  Module-Runtime-0.014: runtime module handling
  OLE-Storage_Lite-0.19: Simple Class for OLE document interface
       rebar-2.5.1: A build-tool for Erlang
   Test-Deep-0.117: Perl module for extremely flexible deep comparison
  Test-Fatal-0.014: incredibly simple helpers for testing code with exceptions
  Test-Requires-0.08: Checks to see if the module can be loaded
     Try-Tiny-0.22: minimal try/catch with proper preservation of
   Unix-Mknod-0.04: Perl extension for mknod, major, minor, and makedev

Removed modules: (1)

New versions: (202)
  Algorithm-Diff          :          1.1902 ->          1.1903
  apache-ant              :           1.9.5 ->           1.9.6
  Apache-DBI              :            1.11 ->            1.12
  Archive-Zip             :            1.30 ->            1.47
  aspell-en               :    2015.02.15-0 ->    2015.04.24-0
  BerkeleyDB              :            0.49 ->            0.55
  Bit-Vector              :             7.1 ->             7.4
  blender                 :            2.74 ->            2.75
  bluez-5                 :              31 ->              32
  btrfs-progs             :           4.0.1 ->             4.1
  bullet                  :      2.82-r2704 ->          2.83.5
  Cairo-Perl              :           1.062 ->           1.105
  ccid                    :          1.4.18 ->          1.4.19
  CDDB_get                :            2.27 ->            2.28
  Class-Autouse           :            2.00 ->            2.01
  Class-Inspector         :            1.25 ->            1.28
  Class-MethodMaker       :            2.18 ->            2.24
  Clone                   :            0.31 ->            0.38
  cmus                    :           2.6.0 ->           2.7.0
  Convert-BinHex          :           1.119 ->           1.123
  Convert-TNEF            :            0.17 ->            0.18
  coreutils               :            8.23 ->            8.24
  CPAN-Meta-YAML          :           0.004 ->           0.016
  Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum    :            0.04 ->            0.06
  Cython                  :          0.21.2 ->          0.22.1
  darktable               :           1.6.6 ->           1.6.7
  Data-Dump               :            1.20 ->            1.23
  Data-UUID               :           1.217 ->           1.220
  Date-Calc               :             6.3 ->             6.4
  Date-Manip              :            6.48 ->            6.50
  DateTime                :            1.12 ->            1.20
  DateTime-Format-Builder :            0.80 ->            0.81
  DateTime-Locale         :            0.45 ->            0.46
  DateTime-TimeZone       :            1.75 ->            1.92
  DBD-Pg                  :          2.18.1 ->           3.5.1
  DBD-SQLite              :            1.46 ->            1.48
  dbus-glib               :           0.102 ->           0.104
  desktop-file-utils      :            0.21 ->            0.22
  Digest-MD5              :            2.53 ->            2.54
  dracut                  :             038 ->             043
  e3                      :           2.7.1 ->             2.8
  efl                     :          1.14.1 ->          1.14.2
  elementary              :          1.14.1 ->          1.14.2
  Encode-Locale           :            1.03 ->            1.05
  ExtUtils-CBuilder       :        0.280202 ->        0.280223
  ExtUtils-Depends        :           0.304 ->           0.404
  ExtUtils-PkgConfig      :            1.12 ->            1.15
  fbgrab                  :             1.2 ->             1.3
  File-BaseDir            :            0.03 ->            0.07
  File-chdir              :          0.1004 ->          0.1010
  File-DesktopEntry       :            0.04 ->            0.12
  File-MimeInfo           :            0.15 ->            0.27
  File-Tail               :          0.99.3 ->             1.2
  File-Temp               :            0.22 ->          0.2304
  firefox                 :          38.0.6 ->            39.0
  firefox-bin             :          38.0.6 ->            39.0
  freeglut                :           2.8.1 ->           3.0.0
  Fuse                    :            0.14 ->            0.16
  GDGraph                 :            1.44 ->            1.49
  getdata                 :           0.8.4 ->           0.8.8
  Getopt-Long             :            2.38 ->            2.47
  Glib-Perl               :           1.300 ->           1.307
  gphoto2                 :           2.5.6 ->           2.5.8
  GStreamer               :            0.16 ->            0.20
  Gtk2-Perl               :           1.244 ->          1.2495
  gtk+-3                  :            16.4 ->            16.5
  HTML-Template           :            2.10 ->            2.95
  HTTP-Cache-Transparent  :             1.0 ->             1.1
  HTTP-Cookies            :            6.00 ->            6.01
  HTTP-Negotiate          :            6.00 ->            6.01
  Image-ExifTool          :            9.74 ->            9.90
  Image-Size              :           3.230 ->           3.300
  Inline                  :            0.48 ->            0.80
  intltool                :          0.50.2 ->          0.51.0
  IO-All                  :            0.44 ->            0.86
  IO-Digest               :            0.10 ->            0.11
  iojs                    :          v2.3.1 ->          v2.3.3
  IO-Pager                :            0.06 ->            0.34
  IO-Socket-INET6         :            2.69 ->            2.72
  IO-Socket-SSL           :            1.44 ->           2.016
  IO-stringy              :           2.110 ->           2.111
  IP-Country              :            2.27 ->            2.28
  IPC-Run3                :           0.044 ->           0.048
  jbig2dec                :            0.11 ->            0.12
  jenkins                 :           1.617 ->           1.619
  jhead                   :            2.97 ->            3.00
  joe                     :             3.7 ->             4.0
  JSON                    :            2.53 ->            2.90
  json-glib               :           1.0.2 ->           1.0.4
  JSON-PP                 :         2.27200 ->         2.27300
  krb5                    :          1.13.1 ->          1.13.2
  less                    :             458 ->             478
  libcap-ng               :           0.7.4 ->           0.7.7
  libdrm                  :          2.4.61 ->          2.4.62
  libevdev                :           1.4.2 ->           1.4.3
  libgphoto2              :           2.5.7 ->           2.5.8
  libgusb                 :           0.2.4 ->           0.2.5
  libintl-perl            :            1.20 ->            1.24
  LibRaw                  :          0.16.0 ->          0.16.2
  libreoffice-bin         :           4.4.3 ->           4.4.4
  libva                   :           1.5.1 ->           1.6.0
  libvirt                 :          1.2.16 ->          1.2.17
  libwacom                :            0.11 ->            0.13
  libwww-perl             :            6.02 ->            6.13
  Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate:            1.02 ->            1.04
  linux                   :           4.0.5 ->           4.1.1
  Linux-DVB               :            1.01 ->            1.03
  Locale-Maketext-Lexicon :            0.91 ->            1.00
  lunar                   :              18 ->              19
  lvm2                    :        2.02.122 ->        2.02.124
  Mail-Audit              :           2.225 ->           2.228
  Mail-DKIM               :            0.39 ->            0.40
  MailTools               :            2.07 ->            2.14
  Math-Round              :            0.06 ->            0.07
  mercurial               :             3.4 ->           3.4.2
  MIME-Base64             :            3.13 ->            3.15
  MIME-Lite               :           3.027 ->           3.030
  MIME-tools              :           5.502 ->           5.506
  ming                    :           0.4.5 ->           0_4_7
  Module-Build            :          0.4211 ->          0.4214
  Module-Signature        :            0.68 ->            0.79
  nano                    :           2.4.1 ->           2.4.2
  nasm                    :         2.11.06 ->         2.11.08
  NetAddr-IP              :           4.068 ->           4.075
  Net-DBus                :           1.0.0 ->           1.1.0
  Net-HTTP                :            6.07 ->            6.09
  Net-Ident               :            1.23 ->            1.24
  Net-IDN-Nameprep        :           1.101 ->           1.102
  Net-Netmask             :          1.9016 ->          1.9022
  NetPacket               :           1.2.0 ->           1.6.0
  Net-Server              :            0.99 ->           2.008
  Net-SSLeay              :            1.36 ->            1.70
  Net-UPnP                :           1.4.2 ->           1.4.3
  nodejs                  :         v0.12.5 ->         v0.12.6
  npm                     :          2.12.0 ->          2.12.1
  openmpi                 :           1.8.5 ->           1.8.6
  openssh                 :           6.8p1 ->           6.9p1
  openssl                 :          1.0.2c ->          1.0.2d
  Pango-Perl              :           1.222 ->           1.226
  Params-Validate         :            1.13 ->            1.20
  Parse-CPAN-Meta         :          1.4401 ->          1.4417
  Parse-RecDescent        :        1.965001 ->        1.967009
  Path-Class              :            0.24 ->            0.35
  pepperflash             : ->
  PerlIO-gzip             :            0.18 ->            0.19
  PerlIO-via-dynamic      :            0.13 ->            0.14
  Perl-OSType             :           1.007 ->           1.008
  Perl-Tidy               :        20101217 ->        20140711
  phpMyAdmin              :          4.4.10 ->          4.4.11
  Pod-Coverage            :            0.21 ->            0.23
  Pod-Escapes             :            1.04 ->            1.07
  Pod-Simple              :            3.19 ->            3.30
  Proc-Simple             :            1.30 ->            1.31
  Socket6                 :            0.23 ->            0.25
  sound-theme-freedesktop :             0.7 ->             0.8
  speech-dispatcher       :           0.8.2 ->           0.8.3
  Spiffy                  :            0.30 ->            0.46
  Spreadsheet-WriteExcel  :            2.37 ->            2.40
  squid                   :           3.5.5 ->           3.5.6
  Sub-Uplevel             :            0.24 ->            0.25
  SVN-Dump                :            0.05 ->            0.06
  systemd                 :             219 ->             221
  talloc                  :           2.1.1 ->           2.1.2
  tcllib                  :            1.15 ->            1.17
  Term-ProgressBar        :            2.09 ->            2.17
  TermReadKey             :            2.30 ->            2.33
  Test-Exception          :            0.31 ->            0.40
  Test-File               :            1.29 ->            1.43
  Test-Inter              :            1.05 ->            1.06
  Test-NoWarnings         :            1.03 ->            1.04
  Test-Pod                :            1.45 ->            1.51
  Test-Pod-Coverage       :            1.08 ->            1.10
  Test-Simple             :            0.98 ->        1.001014
  texinfo                 :             5.2 ->             6.0
  theedge                 :              18 ->              19
  Tie-DBI                 :            1.05 ->            1.06
  tiff                    :           4.0.3 ->           4.0.4
  tig                     :             1.2 ->             2.1
  TimeDate                :            1.20 ->            2.30
  Time-Progress           :             1.7 ->             1.8
  tls                     :             1.6 ->           1.6.4
  udisks2                 :           2.1.5 ->           2.1.6
  ufraw                   :            0.21 ->            0.22
  UNIVERSAL-require       :            0.13 ->            0.18
  URI                     :            1.67 ->            1.68
  version                 :            0.94 ->          0.9912
  WWW-Mechanize           :            1.70 ->            1.75
  WWW-RobotRules          :            6.01 ->            6.02
  WWW-Search              :           2.508 ->           2.514
  WWW-Search-Ebay         :           3.021 ->           3.041
  xapian-core             :          1.2.20 ->          1.2.21
  xf86-input-vmmouse      :          13.0.0 ->          13.1.0
  xf86-input-wacom        :          0.29.0 ->          0.30.0
  xf86-video-vesa         :           2.3.2 ->           2.3.4
  XML-LibXML              :          2.0116 ->          2.0121
  XML-LibXSLT             :            1.72 ->            1.94
  XML-SAX-Expat           :            0.50 ->            0.51
  XML-Twig                :            3.48 ->            3.49
  xproto                  :          7.0.27 ->          7.0.28
  xvidcore                :           1.3.3 ->           1.3.4
  YAML                    :            1.14 ->            1.15
  YAML-Tiny               :            1.50 ->            1.67

Moved modules:
  elfutils                :     other/devel ->       core/libs
  libgdata                :      other/libs ->     gnome3/libs


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