weekly news - 20151211

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Dec 11 12:35:41 CET 2015


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (4)
  breeze-gtk- Breeze widget theme for GTK 2 and 3
  kQOAuth-qt4-0.98: library implementing OAuth 1.0 RFC 5849
  kQOAuth-qt5-0.98: library implementing OAuth 1.0 RFC 5849
  kscreenlocker-5.5.0: library and components for secure lock screen architecture

New versions: (72)
  arpack-ng               :           3.1.5 ->           3.3.0
  bluedevil               :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  breeze                  :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  cssselect               :             0.8 ->           0.9.1
  cssutils                :             1.0 ->           1.0.1
  dbus                    :          1.10.4 ->          1.10.6
  dhcpcd                  :           6.9.2 ->           6.9.4
  enblend-enfuse          :           4.1.3 ->           4.1.4
  git                     :           2.6.3 ->           2.6.4
  gmp                     :           6.0.0 ->           6.1.0
  gnupg2                  :           2.1.9 ->          2.1.10
  gnuplot                 :           4.6.6 ->           5.0.1
  gtk+-3                  :            18.5 ->            18.6
  hugin                   :        2014.0.0 ->        2015.0.0
  inxi                    :          2.2.28 ->          2.2.31
  kde-cli-tools           :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  kdecoration             :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  kde-gtk-config          :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  kdeplasma-addons        :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  kgamma5                 :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  khelpcenter             :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  khotkeys                :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  kinfocenter             :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  kmenuedit               :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  kscreen                 :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  ksshaskpass             :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  ksysguard               :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  kwallet-pam             :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  kwayland                :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  kwayland-integration    :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  kwin                    :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  kwrited                 :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  libassuan               :           2.3.0 ->           2.4.2
  libbluray               :           0.9.1 ->           0.9.2
  libkscreen              :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  libksysguard            :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  libodfgen               :           0.1.3 ->           0.1.5
  libsodium               :           1.0.6 ->           1.0.7
  libwps                  :           0.3.1 ->           0.4.2
  lilo                    :            24.1 ->            24.2
  linux-firmware          :        20150913 ->        20151125
  lvm2                    :        2.02.134 ->        2.02.136
  man-pages               :            4.02 ->            4.03
  maxima                  :          5.36.1 ->          5.37.3
  menu-cache              :           1.0.0 ->           1.0.1
  milou                   :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  nano                    :           2.4.2 ->           2.4.3
  nmap                    :            7.00 ->            7.01
  node                    :           5.1.1 ->           5.2.0
  oxygen                  :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  plasma-desktop          :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  plasma-mediacenter      :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  plasma-nm               :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  plasma-pa               :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  plasma-sdk              :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  plasma-workspace        :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  plasma-workspace-wallpapers:           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  polkit-kde-agent-1      :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  powerdevil              :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  Python-3                :             5.0 ->             5.1
  scim-tables             :           0.5.9 ->
  scons                   :           2.4.0 ->           2.4.1
  sddm-kcm                :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  Sigil                   :           0.8.7 ->           0.9.1
  six                     :           1.9.0 ->          1.10.0
  systemsettings          :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  user-manager            :           5.4.3 ->           5.5.0
  v4l-utils               :           1.6.3 ->           1.8.1
  wireshark               :          1.12.8 ->           2.0.0
  wpa_supplicant          :             2.4 ->             2.5
  wxMaxima                :         15.04.0 ->         15.08.2
  xdg-user-dirs           :            0.14 ->            0.15

Moved modules:
  libkscreen              :        kde/libs ->      kde/plasma
  qt5                     :     other/zbeta ->             kde


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