weekly news - 20150403

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Apr 3 12:35:45 CEST 2015


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (3)
       redis-3.0.0: Advanced key-value cache and store
     redshift-1.10: adjusts the color temperature of your screen
         six-1.9.0: Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities

New versions: (52)
  atk                     :          2.14.0 ->          2.16.0
  at-spi2-atk             :          2.14.1 ->          2.16.0
  at-spi2-core            :          2.14.1 ->          2.16.0
  Date-Manip              :            6.47 ->            6.48
  dconf                   :          0.22.0 ->          0.24.0
  dhcpcd                  :           6.7.1 ->           6.8.0
  dnspython               :          1.11.1 ->          1.12.0
  enlightenment           :          0.19.3 ->          0.19.4
  firefox                 :          36.0.4 ->            37.0
  firefox-bin             :          36.0.4 ->            37.0
  ghostscript             :            9.15 ->            9.16
  git                     :           2.3.4 ->           2.3.5
  glib-2                  :            42.2 ->            44.0
  glibmm                  :          2.42.0 ->          2.44.0
  gvfs                    :          1.22.3 ->          1.24.0
  iojs                    :          v1.6.2 ->          v1.6.3
  libgee                  :          0.16.1 ->          0.18.0
  libqmi                  :          1.12.4 ->          1.12.6
  libreoffice-bin         :           4.4.1 ->           4.4.2
  librsvg                 :          2.40.8 ->          2.40.9
  libtasn1                :             4.3 ->             4.4
  libvirt                 :          1.2.13 ->          1.2.14
  man-pages               :            3.81 ->            3.82
  matplotlib              :           1.4.0 ->           1.4.3
  mkvtoolnix              :           7.7.0 ->           7.8.0
  ModemManager            :           1.4.4 ->           1.4.6
  Module-Build            :          0.4004 ->          0.4211
  mythtv                  :          0.26.1 ->          0.27.4
  nano                    :           2.2.6 ->           2.4.0
  nodejs                  :         v0.12.1 ->         v0.12.2
  nss                     :          3.17.4 ->            3.18
  p11-kit                 :          0.22.1 ->          0.23.1
  phpMyAdmin              :          4.3.12 ->           4.4.0
  PyBluez                 :            0.18 ->            0.20
  pycups                  :          1.9.62 ->          1.9.72
  pycurl                  :          7.19.0 ->
  pyparsing               :           1.5.6 ->           2.0.3
  PySide                  :           1.1.2 ->           1.2.2
  python2-cffi            :           0.8.6 ->           0.9.2
  python-dateutil         :             1.5 ->           2.4.1
  rdflib                  :           4.1.2 ->           4.2.0
  rest                    :          0.7.92 ->          0.7.93
  shotwell                :          0.20.2 ->          0.22.0
  simplejson              :           3.6.3 ->           3.6.5
  SQLAlchemy              :           0.9.7 ->           0.9.9
  squid                   :           3.5.2 ->           3.5.3
  sudo                    :          1.8.12 ->          1.8.13
  terminology             :           0.7.0 ->           0.8.0
  thunderbird-bin         :          31.5.0 ->          31.6.0
  tornado                 :             3.2 ->           4.1.0
  which                   :            2.20 ->            2.21
  whois                   :           5.2.6 ->           5.2.7


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