weekly news - 20130531

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri May 31 12:35:38 CEST 2013


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (12)
  basICColor_Offset_2009-1.1.1: default ICC printing profiles
  chemical-mime-data-0.1.94: support for various chemical MIME types
  icc-profiles-openicc-1.3.1: default ICC base and printing profiles
  kdev-python-v1.5.1: python bindings for kdevelop
    liboauth-1.0.1: POSIX-c functions implementing the OAuth Core RFC 5849
       matio-1.5.1: C library for reading and writing Matlab MAT files
    netcdf-cxx-4.2: network Common Data Form c++ library
  oggconvert-0.3.3: utility for converting audio and video files
  ostinato-src-0.5.1: network packet crafter/traffic generator and analyzer
      pyzmq-13.1.0: Python wrapper for zeromq
     tornado-3.0.1: Python web framework and networking library
      zeromq-3.2.3: intelligent transport layer socket library

New versions: (85)
  apache-ant              :           1.8.4 ->           1.9.1
  appres                  :           1.0.3 ->           1.0.4
  bind                    :        9.9.2-P2 ->           9.9.3
  bind-utils              :        9.9.2-P2 ->           9.9.3
  blender                 :            2.67 ->           2.67a
  boo                     : ->
  calibre                 :          0.9.31 ->          0.9.32
  calligra                :           2.6.3 ->           2.6.4
  cdlabelgen              :           4.1.0 ->           4.2.0
  darktable               :           1.1.4 ->           1.2.1
  ekiga                   :          3.9.90 ->           4.0.1
  ethtool                 :             3.8 ->             3.9
  flickcurl               :            1.23 ->            1.24
  fontconfig              :         2.10.92 ->         2.10.93
  foomatic-db             :    4.0-20121231 ->    4.0-20130529
  foomatic-db-engine      :    4.0-20121231 ->    4.0-20130529
  foomatic-db-nonfree     :        20121231 ->        20130529
  foomatic-filters        :    4.0-20121231 ->    4.0-20130529
  fping                   :             3.4 ->             3.5
  frescobaldi             :           2.0.9 ->          2.0.10
  gammu                   :          1.32.0 ->          1.33.0
  gcal                    :             3.6 ->           3.6.3
  git                     : ->           1.8.3
  glib-2                  :            36.1 ->            36.2
  gnome-icon-theme        :          2.31.0 ->           3.8.2
  gst-plugins-gl          :          0.10.2 ->          0.10.3
  gst-python              :         0.10.21 ->         0.10.22
  harfbuzz                :          0.9.16 ->          0.9.17
  hplip                   :          3.13.4 ->          3.13.5
  kdevelop                :           4.4.1 ->           4.5.0
  kdevelop-php            :           1.3.1 ->           1.5.0
  kdevelop-php-docs       :           1.2.3 ->           1.5.0
  kdevplatform            :           1.4.1 ->           1.5.0
  kmldonkey               :           2.0.2 ->  2.0.2-kde4.4.0
  kphotoalbum             :             4.3 ->             4.4
  kwave                   :           0.8.9 ->          0.8.10
  lftp                    :           4.4.5 ->           4.4.7
  libXau                  :           1.0.7 ->           1.0.8
  libblueray              :           0.2.3 ->           0.3.0
  libdbusmenu-qt          :           0.9.0 ->           0.9.2
  libdrm                  :          2.4.44 ->          2.4.45
  libjpeg-turbo           :           1.2.1 ->           1.3.0
  libkgapi                :           0.4.4 ->           2.0.0
  libmicrohttpd           :          0.9.24 ->          0.9.27
  libmygpo-qt             :           1.0.6 ->           1.0.7
  libnl                   :           1.1.3 ->           1.1.4
  libpst                  :          0.6.57 ->          0.6.58
  libvisio                :          0.0.25 ->          0.0.27
  liferea                 :          1.8.13 ->          1.8.14
  linux                   :           3.9.2 ->           3.9.4
  lm_sensors              :           3.3.3 ->           3.3.4
  luminance-hdr           :           2.3.0 ->           2.3.1
  mesa-lib                :           9.1.2 ->           9.1.3
  mobile-broadband-provider-info:             git ->        20120614
  mod_perl                :           2.0.7 ->           2.0.8
  mono                    :           3.0.1 ->          3.0.10
  mpg123                  :          1.15.3 ->          1.15.4
  mplayer2                :             2.0 ->      2013-05-26
  netcdf                  : ->           4.3.0
  netpbm                  :        10.35.87 ->        10.35.89
  opal                    :          3.10.7 ->         3.10.10
  openssh                 :           6.2p1 ->           6.2p2
  orc                     :          0.4.16 ->          0.4.17
  os-prober               :            1.57 ->            1.61
  pango                   :          1.34.0 ->          1.34.1
  partclone               :          0.2.57 ->          0.2.61
  phpMyAdmin              :           4.0.1 ->           4.0.2
  poppler                 :          0.22.3 ->          0.22.4
  qlandkartegt            :           1.6.0 ->           1.7.0
  qt-creator              :       2.6.1-src ->       2.7.1-src
  reportlab               :             2.6 ->             2.7
  rfkill                  :             0.4 ->             0.5
  smb4k                   :           1.0.6 ->           1.0.7
  speech-dispatcher       :           0.7.1 ->             0.8
  systemd                 :             202 ->             204
  vcdimager               :          0.7.23 ->          0.7.24
  vlc                     :           2.0.6 ->           2.0.7
  x264-snapshot           : 20121113-2245-stable -> 20130523-2245-stable
  xbmc                    :            11.0 ->            12.2
  xdpyinfo                :           1.3.0 ->           1.3.1
  xf86-input-synaptics    :           1.7.0 ->           1.7.1
  xfontsel                :           1.0.4 ->           1.0.5
  xmltv                   :          0.5.61 ->          0.5.63
  xrefresh                :           1.0.4 ->           1.0.5
  xwininfo                :           1.1.2 ->           1.1.3

Moved modules:
  kdesvn                  :        kde/apps -> kde/development
  kdevelop-pg-qt          :        kde/apps -> kde/development
  kdevelop-php            :       kde/utils -> kde/development
  kdevplatform            :       kde/utils -> kde/development
  kphotoalbum             :   kde/extragear ->    kde/graphics
  openicc-data            :  other/graphics -> other/graphics/icc


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