weekly news - 20130426

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Apr 26 12:35:33 CEST 2013


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (19)
   ParaView-3.98.1: data analysis and visualization application
      PySide-1.1.2: Python bindings for Qt
       PyYAML-3.10: YAML parser and emitter for Python
   assimp-3.0.1270: Open Asset(3D models) Import Library
  collada-dom-2.4.0: C++ support for COLLADA XML documents
      eigen3-3.1.3: linear algebra libraries for simple mathematical needs
          empy-3.3: templating system for Python
       gl2ps-1.3.8: OpenGL to PostScript printing library
        libccd-1.4: collision detection between two convex shapes
     netifaces-0.8: network interface information for Python
     octomap-1.6.0: 3D Mapping Framework based on Octrees
   ogre-src_v1-8-1: Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
          ois-v1-3: Object Oriented Input System
         pip-1.3.1: manage and install Python packages
  poco-1.4.6p1-all: C++ library for network-based applications
     tinyxml-2.6.2: C++ XML parser
   vcstools-0.1.30: VCS/SCM source control library
   yaml-cpp3-0.3.0: C++ YAML parsing and emitting library
    yaml-cpp-0.5.1: C++ YAML parsing and emitting library

New versions: (58)
  ImageMagick             :         6.8.4-4 ->        6.8.4-10
  PyQt                    :    x11-gpl-4.10 ->  x11-gpl-4.10.1
  apr-util                :           1.5.1 ->           1.5.2
  bogofilter              :           1.2.2 ->           1.2.3
  boost                   :          1_52_0 ->          1_53_0
  clamav                  :          0.97.7 ->          0.97.8
  clutter                 :          1.14.0 ->          1.14.2
  colord                  :          0.1.30 ->          0.1.33
  connman                 :            1.12 ->            1.13
  diffstat                :            1.56 ->            1.57
  dnsmasq                 :            2.65 ->            2.66
  dovecot                 :           2.2.0 ->           2.2.1
  e_dbus                  :           1.7.5 ->           1.7.6
  ecore                   :           1.7.5 ->           1.7.6
  edje                    :           1.7.5 ->           1.7.6
  eet                     :           1.7.5 ->           1.7.6
  eeze                    :           1.7.5 ->           1.7.6
  efreet                  :           1.7.5 ->           1.7.6
  eina                    :           1.7.5 ->           1.7.6
  eio                     :           1.7.5 ->
  elementary              :           1.7.5 ->           1.7.6
  embryo                  :           1.7.5 ->           1.7.6
  emotion                 :           1.7.5 ->           1.7.6
  enlightenment           :          0.17.2 ->
  ethumb                  :           1.7.5 ->           1.7.6
  evas                    :           1.7.5 ->
  evas_generic_loaders    :           1.7.5 ->           1.7.6
  expedite                :           1.7.5 ->           1.7.6
  fetchmail               :          6.3.25 ->          6.3.26
  firefox                 :            20.0 ->          20.0.1
  freeglut                :           2.8.0 ->           2.8.1
  gnuchess                :           6.0.2 ->           6.0.3
  gparted                 :          0.15.0 ->          0.16.0
  gpgme                   :           1.3.2 ->           1.4.0
  help2man                :          1.41.1 ->          1.41.2
  ilmbase                 :           1.0.2 ->           2.0.0
  json-glib               :          0.15.2 ->          0.16.0
  libgcrypt               :           1.5.1 ->           1.5.2
  libksba                 :           1.2.0 ->           1.3.0
  libnl                   :             1.1 ->           1.1.3
  libtasn1                :             3.2 ->             3.3
  man-pages               :            3.50 ->            3.51
  mongodb                 :           2.2.3 ->           2.4.2
  newt                    :         0.52.14 ->         0.52.15
  nfs-utils               :           1.2.6 ->           1.2.7
  nose                    :          0.11.3 ->   release_1.3.0
  openexr                 :           1.7.0 ->           2.0.0
  openvpn                 :           2.3.0 ->           2.3.1
  p11-kit                 :          0.18.0 ->          0.18.1
  phpMyAdmin              :           3.5.8 ->
  qemu                    :           1.4.0 ->           1.4.1
  sharutils               :          4.13.4 ->          4.13.5
  sip                     :          4.14.4 ->          4.14.6
  squid                   :           3.3.2 ->           3.3.3
  stellarium              :          0.12.0 ->          0.12.1
  systemd                 :             200 ->             202
  whois                   :          5.0.20 ->          5.0.24
  xapian-core             :          1.2.12 ->          1.2.15

Moved modules:
  startup-notification    :   gnome/desktop -> other/x11-utils


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