weekly news - 20121221

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Dec 21 12:35:30 CET 2012


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (3)
      PyBluez-0.18: Python bindings for bluetooth
     anyremote-6.2: remote control service
           sbc-1.0: Low-Complexity, Sub-Band Codec Utilities

New versions: (31)
  audacious               :           3.3.2 ->           3.3.3
  audacious-plugins       :           3.3.2 ->           3.3.3
  automake                :          1.12.5 ->          1.12.6
  blender                 :           2.64a ->            2.65
  calibre                 :           0.9.9 ->          0.9.10
  dhcpcd                  :           5.6.3 ->           5.6.4
  ethtool                 :             3.6 ->             3.7
  ferm                    :           2.1.1 ->           2.1.2
  firefox                 :          16.0.2 ->          17.0.1
  fltk                    :           1.3.1 ->           1.3.2
  freeciv                 :           2.3.2 ->           2.3.3
  gmime                   :           2.6.8 ->          2.6.13
  gparted                 :          0.14.0 ->          0.14.1
  gtk+-2                  :           24.13 ->           24.14
  inkscape                : ->          0.48.4
  kanyremote              :            5.13 ->             6.1
  libtasn1                :             3.1 ->            2.14
  linux                   :          3.6.10 ->           3.7.1
  mercurial               :             2.4 ->           2.4.1
  mkvtoolnix              :           5.8.0 ->           5.9.0
  mlt                     :           0.8.2 ->           0.8.6
  nasm                    :         2.10.05 ->         2.10.06
  opera                   :           12.11 ->           12.12
  postfix                 :           2.9.4 ->           2.9.5
  pulseaudio              :             2.1 ->             3.0
  sqlite                  : ->          3.7.15
  swig                    :           2.0.8 ->           2.0.9
  tomcat7-bin             :          7.0.33 ->          7.0.34
  ufoai                   :           2.3.1 ->             2.4
  util-linux              :          2.22.1 ->          2.22.2
  xfsprogs                :           3.1.8 ->          3.1.10


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