weekly news - 20111014

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Oct 14 12:35:46 CEST 2011


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (19)
  Class-Factory-Util-1.7: Provide utility methods for factory classes
  Class-Inspector-1.25: Get information about a class and its structure
    Data-Dump-1.20: Pretty printing of data structures
  DateTime-Format-Builder-0.80: Create DateTime parser classes and objects
  DateTime-Format-Strptime-1.5000: Parse and format strp and strf time patterns
  DateTime-Locale-0.45: Localization support for DateTime.pm
  DateTime-TimeZone-1.39: Time zone object base class and factory
     DateTime-0.70: A date and time object
  File-Find-Rule-0.33: Alternative interface to File
         JSON-2.53: JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder
    Linux-DVB-1.01: interface to (some parts of) the Linux DVB API
   Math-Round-0.06: Perl extension for rounding numbers
  Params-Validate-1.00: Validate method/function parameters
  Pod-Coverage-0.21: Checks if the documentation of a module is comprehensive
  Test-Distribution-2.00: perform tests on all modules of a distribution
  Tk-TableMatrix-1.23: Table Display with Spreadsheet-like bindings
  XML-LibXSLT-1.72: interface to libxslt library
  XML-SAX-Base-1.08: Base class SAX Drivers and Filters
    pyicqt- ICQ transport for jabber servers

Removed modules: (4)

New versions: (122)
  Apache-DBI              :            1.10 ->            1.11
  Audio-Scan              :            0.87 ->            0.93
  BerkeleyDB              :            0.43 ->            0.49
  CPAN                    :          1.9402 ->          1.9800
  CPAN-Meta               :        2.110930 ->        2.112621
  CPAN-Meta-YAML          :           0.003 ->           0.004
  Cairo-Perl              :           1.061 ->           1.062
  Class-MethodMaker       :            2.17 ->            2.18
  Convert-UUlib           :            1.34 ->             1.4
  Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA       :            0.26 ->            0.28
  DBD-Pg                  :          2.18.0 ->          2.18.1
  DBD-SQLite              :            1.31 ->            1.33
  DBD-mysql               :           4.018 ->           4.020
  Digest-HMAC             :            1.02 ->            1.03
  ETL                     :         0.04.13 ->         0.04.14
  ExtUtils-CBuilder       :          0.2703 ->        0.280202
  File-Slurp              :         9999.15 ->         9999.19
  Fuse                    :            0.11 ->            0.14
  GStreamer               :            0.15 ->            0.16
  Glib-Perl               :           1.223 ->           1.224
  Gtk2-Ex-FormFactory     :            0.65 ->            0.67
  HTML-Template           :             2.9 ->            2.10
  IO-Socket-SSL           :            1.39 ->            1.44
  Image-ExifTool          :            8.56 ->            8.65
  ImageMagick             :        6.7.2-10 ->         6.7.3-1
  JSON-PP                 :         2.27105 ->         2.27200
  LibRaw                  :          0.13.4 ->          0.14.0
  List-MoreUtils          :            0.30 ->            0.33
  Locale-Maketext-Lexicon :            0.86 ->            0.91
  Log-Log4perl            :            1.32 ->            1.33
  MIME-tools              :           5.500 ->           5.502
  Module-Metadata         :        1.000004 ->        1.000007
  Module-Signature        :            0.66 ->            0.68
  Net-DBus                :          0.33.6 ->           1.0.0
  NetAddr-IP              :           4.043 ->           4.048
  NetPacket               :           1.1.1 ->           1.2.0
  Pango-Perl              :           1.221 ->           1.222
  Path-Class              :            0.23 ->            0.24
  Perl-Tidy               :        20090616 ->        20101217
  Pod-Simple              :            3.13 ->            3.19
  Proc-Simple             :            1.27 ->            1.30
  Software-License        :        0.103000 ->        0.103002
  Test-Inter              :            1.01 ->            1.03
  Test-NoWarnings         :            1.02 ->            1.03
  Text-Diff               :            1.37 ->            1.41
  XML-LibXML              :            1.70 ->            1.88
  XML-SAX                 :            0.96 ->            0.99
  YAML                    :            0.72 ->            0.77
  YAML-Tiny               :            1.48 ->            1.50
  ardour                  :          2.8.11 ->          2.8.12
  astyle                  :            1.24 ->            2.02
  audiotag                :            0.18 ->            0.19
  augeas                  :           0.7.0 ->           0.9.0
  buildbot                :         0.8.3p1 ->           0.8.5
  cgdb                    :           0.6.5 ->           0.6.6
  colord                  :          0.1.12 ->          0.1.13
  coreutils               :            8.13 ->            8.14
  daq                     :             0.5 ->           0.6.2
  datefudge               :            1.16 ->            1.17
  dbus                    :           1.5.6 ->           1.5.8
  dd_rescue               :            1.23 ->            1.24
  dssi                    :           1.1.0 ->           1.1.1
  edict                   :             2.4 ->             2.6
  enlightenment           :           1.0.9 ->          1.0.10
  exaile                  : ->
  exim                    :            4.76 ->            4.77
  fasm                    :         1.69.31 ->         1.69.34
  fluidsynth              :           1.1.3 ->           1.1.4
  free42                  :          1.4.67 ->          1.4.70
  gcc                     :           4.5.2 ->           4.6.1
  geany                   :            0.20 ->            0.21
  geos                    :           3.2.2 ->           3.3.0
  getdata                 :           0.7.2 ->           0.7.3
  google-ctemplate        :            0.99 ->             1.0
  grantlee                :           0.1.8 ->           0.1.9
  gtick                   :           0.4.2 ->           0.5.0
  help2man                :          1.39.2 ->          1.40.4
  iasl                    :        20110316 ->        20110922
  ircservices             :          5.1.23 ->          5.1.24
  irqbalance              :            0.55 ->            0.56
  jack                    :         0.120.1 ->         0.121.3
  jpilot                  :           1.8.0 ->           1.8.1
  labelnation             :           1.193 ->           1.197
  libdnet                 :            1.11 ->            1.12
  libnice                 :           0.1.0 ->           0.1.1
  libntlm                 :             1.2 ->             1.3
  libpqxx                 :             3.1 ->             4.0
  libpst                  :          0.6.49 ->          0.6.53
  libwebp                 :           0.1.2 ->           0.1.3
  libwpd                  :           0.9.0 ->           0.9.2
  lsof                    :            4.84 ->            4.85
  memcached               :           1.4.5 ->           1.4.8
  mhwaveedit              :          1.4.20 ->          1.4.21
  mkvtoolnix              :           4.7.0 ->           5.0.1
  mtr                     :            0.80 ->            0.81
  multitail               :           5.2.7 ->           5.2.8
  netpbm                  :        10.35.80 ->        10.35.82
  netperf                 :           2.4.5 ->           2.5.0
  nmap                    :          5.51.1 ->          5.51.2
  nut                     :           2.4.3 ->           2.6.2
  ortp                    :          0.16.4 ->          0.16.5
  potrace                 :             1.9 ->            1.10
  pstoedit                :            3.50 ->            3.60
  pulseaudio              :             1.0 ->          0.9.23
  rbutil                  :       1.2.8-src ->      1.2.10-src
  shared-mime-info        :            0.90 ->            0.91
  shorewall               : ->          4.4.24
  snort                   : ->
  swi-prolog              :          5.10.4 ->       pl-5.10.5
  synfig                  :         0.62.02 ->         0.63.02
  synfigstudio            :         0.62.02 ->         0.63.02
  systemd                 :              36 ->              37
  talloc                  :           2.0.5 ->           2.0.7
  telepathy-qt4           :           0.7.2 ->           0.7.3
  telepathy-salut         :           0.5.1 ->           0.5.2
  tig                     :            0.17 ->            0.18
  transmission            :            2.33 ->            2.41
  uncrustify              :            0.56 ->            0.59
  version                 :            0.88 ->            0.94
  vigra                   :           1.7.1 ->           1.8.0
  wxsvg                   :         1.0.8-1 ->           1.1.2
  xmp                     :           3.3.0 ->           3.4.1


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