Why is termcap still around?

Christian Krause kizkizzbangbang at googlemail.com
Thu Nov 25 13:27:33 CET 2010

lvu leert shows you the full reverse dependency tree

grep termcap -r -l /var/lib/lunar/moonbase/

shows no termcap in any DEPENDS script

On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 12:59 PM, Duncan Gibson <duncan.gibson at xs4all.nl> wrote:
>> I recently recognized the module "termcap" looking at the BUILD file
>> of "ncurses". There is "--disable-termcap" passed to the configure
>> script. The module "termcap" has neither dependencies nor does any
>> module depend on it (looking at the empty output of "lvu leert
>> termcap").
> I don't remember, but does "lvu leert" check all dependencies, or just
> those of the modules that you have installed? What about the following:
> find /var/lib/lunar/moonbase -name DEPENDS -print | xargs grep termcap
> D.
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