weekly news - 20090213

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Feb 13 12:35:37 CET 2009


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (11)
         GMT-4.3.1: generic mapping tools
  IO-Socket-SSL-1.22: nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO
  clutter-cairo-0.8.2: clutter cairo drawable actor
  clutter-perl- Perl bindings to the Clutter OpenGL canvas
  labelnation-1.184: python address-label creator, generating Postscript
  libedit-20090111-3.0: generic line editing functions similar to readline
         lout-3.38: Typesetting system, an alternative to (La)TeX
   lshw-B.02.08.01: hardware lister
        netcdf-4.0: network Common Data Form
    pm-utils-1.2.4: HAL scripts to handle suspend and resume.
       qgis4-1.0.0: Qt based Geographic Information System

Removed modules: (1)

New versions: (89)
  FreeImage               :            3100 ->            3110
  GStreamer               :            0.09 ->            0.14
  LiVES                   : ->
  NVIDIA                  :          180.22 ->          180.29
  Net-SSLeay              :            1.30 ->            1.35
  airconfig-svn           :          svn-05 ->          svn-06
  amaya                   :            9.55 ->            11.1
  avidemux                :           2.4.3 ->           2.4.4
  beagle                  :           0.3.8 ->           0.3.9
  boost                   :          1.37.0 ->          1.38.0
  cln                     :          1.1.13 ->           1.2.2
  clutter                 :           0.4.2 ->           0.8.6
  clutter-gst             :           0.4.0 ->           0.8.0
  clutter-gtk             :           0.4.0 ->           0.8.2
  cryptsetup              :             0.1 ->           1.0.6
  db                      :          4.6.21 ->          4.7.25
  ddclient                :           3.7.1 ->           3.8.0
  ddd                     :          3.3.11 ->          3.3.12
  dirac                   :           1.0.0 ->           1.0.2
  e17-svn                 :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  e_dbus-svn              :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  e_modules-svn           :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  e_utils-svn             :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  eclair-svn              :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  ecore-svn               :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  edje-svn                :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  eet-svn                 :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  efreet-svn              :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  eina-svn                :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  elicit-svn              :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  embryo-svn              :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  emotion-svn             :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  emprint-svn             :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  engrave-svn             :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  entice-svn              :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  epsilon-svn             :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  eric4                   :           4.2.5 ->           4.3.0
  esmart-svn              :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  etk-svn                 :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  evas-svn                :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  ewl-svn                 :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  examine-svn             :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  exhibit-svn             :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  exml-svn                :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  ffmpeg                  :          r15261 ->          r17098
  gdal                    :           1.4.2 ->           1.6.0
  gdb                     :           6.7.1 ->             6.8
  geos                    :           3.0.0 ->           3.0.3
  ghal-svn                :          svn-05 ->          svn-06
  git                     : ->
  gitosis-git             :          git-05 ->          git-06
  gnuplot                 :           4.2.2 ->           4.2.4
  gparted                 :           0.4.1 ->           0.4.2
  gpm                     :          1.20.5 ->          1.20.6
  gpm-docs                :          1.20.5 ->          1.20.6
  gpsd                    :            2.37 ->            2.38
  grep                    :           2.5.3 ->           2.5.4
  gwenhywfar              :           3.7.1 ->           3.7.2
  hdparm                  :             9.8 ->            9.10
  icu4c                   :             4_0 ->           4_0_1
  imlib2-svn              :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  imlib2_loaders-svn      :      svn-200905 ->      svn-200906
  libgeotiff              :           1.2.4 ->           1.2.5
  libsamplerate           :           0.1.5 ->           0.1.6
  libsndfile              :          1.0.17 ->          1.0.18
  linux-2.6               : ->
  linux_logo              :            5.03 ->            5.04
  lxpanel                 : ->         0.3.999
  man-pages               :            3.17 ->            3.18
  ntfs-3g                 :        2009.1.1 ->        2009.2.1
  openafs                 :           1.4.7 ->           1.4.8
  openafs-driver          :           1.4.7 ->           1.4.8
  openoffice-bin          :           3.0.0 ->           3.0.1
  pekwm                   :           0.1.7 ->          0.1.9a
  poppler                 :          0.10.1 ->          0.10.4
  postgis                 :           1.3.3 ->           1.3.5
  proj-4                  :             6.0 ->             6.1
  pyclutter               :           0.4.2 ->           0.8.2
  splix                   :           1.1.1 ->           2.0.0
  stella                  :           2.7.2 ->           2.7.3
  stellarium              :          0.10.0 ->          0.10.1
  sun-jdk                 :        1.6.0_11 ->        1.6.0_12
  sun-jre                 :        1.6.0_11 ->        1.6.0_12
  tree                    : ->
  util-linux              :          2.14.1 ->          2.14.2
  w3m                     :           0.5.1 ->           0.5.2
  webkitkde               :          svn-05 ->          svn-06
  wireshark               :           1.0.5 ->           1.0.6
  xine-lib                : ->


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