Obstacle with akonadi / mysql and InnoDB support

Bernd Kosmahl beko at duke.famkos.net
Wed Apr 15 13:13:54 CEST 2009

Hi guys,
I run into an issue with akonadi on kde4. I dislike akonadi but well, this is 
how things go today on kde. akonadi never started correctly and the eyecandy 
window only told me about akonadi not beeing connected to dbus. That means 
more or less that it couldn't start correctly but doesn't know why. Since more 
and more apps try to start akonadi and jam my box for some time eeeeeverytime 
I started digging into it.

Starting akonadi from a terminal gave me the final clue:

090415 12:53:17 [ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: unknown variable 

So mysql simply didn't understand innodb. Aaaand what to say: Yes, I disabled 
InnoDB support long long ago since I had no use for this on my box. Beeing 
sort of unhappy about akonadi not telling me this in it's eyecandy error 
reporter I recompiled mysql:

mysql: Invoke mysqld via init.d automatically at boot ? [y]
mysql: Install client only?  [n]
mysql: Enable InnoDB Support?  [n] y
mysql: Build embedded server (libmysqld), needed by KDE4 ?  [n] y

Perhaps it makes sense to add this "needed by KDE4/Akonadi" to InnoDB Support 
as well.

Who's maintainer for mysql? Or is it possible to query the mysql compile 
settings by akonadi automagically?

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