Error: no <-- (action, result) [Resolved]

Zbigniew Luszpinski zbiggy at
Sat Aug 16 14:14:05 CEST 2008


if you use kde3 (or other DM) in Lunar and insert pendrive or any other hot 
plugable device the kde will show you option to mount it. If an user will 
agree to mount it the error will appear:
" no <-- (action, result)"

There is easy fix for this error. Just define security rules 
in /etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf like these:

<config version="0.1">

<match action="">
  <match user="Put user account name here">
    <return result="yes"/>

<match action="">
  <match user="Put user account name here">
    <return result="yes"/>


First rule allows automounting pendrives, the second one is for fixed disks 
like hard drives.

have a nice day,
Zbigniew 'zbiggy' Luszpinski

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