[How-to] Lunar login prompt in KDE konsole

Zbigniew Luszpinski zbiggy at o2.pl
Thu May 24 16:32:28 CEST 2007


if you use KDE konsole and are not happy because of:
*ugly bash-3.1$ prompt 
*konsole ignoring ~/.bash* settings
*lack of [Tab] key auto-completion

K->Execute command...
and type in:
konsole --ls
to fix all above ugly things

To set this permanently you can modify all icons and menus shortcuts:
by going to konsole shortcut properties->program tab and typing in:
konsole --ls
to command text-box.

Maybe everybody know about this but decided to provide this tutorial just in 
case for those who don't (like me 10 minutes before) :)

have a nice day,

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