Module submission - espgs stelzy at
Sat Sep 30 12:46:57 UTC 2006

module name       : espgs
suggested section : printer
update (y/n)      : y
bugfix (y/n)      : y
security (y/n)    : n

Uhm.. sorry for the previous submit.. some err there.. Now all is fine! :)

-------------- next part --------------
--- espgs/BUILD	2005-05-07 22:07:54.000000000 +0400
+++ espgs/BUILD	2006-09-30 16:39:09.920301750 +0400
@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
    OPTS="$OPTS --without-omni" &&
-   sedit "s,\$(XCFLAGS),\$(XCFLAGS) \$(ACDEFS)," src/unix-dll.mak &&
+  sedit "s:\$(XCFLAGS):\$(XCFLAGS) \$(ACDEFS):" src/unix-dll.mak  &&
    if ! module_installed gtk+; then
-       sedit "s,\$(GSSOC) \$(GSSOX),\$(GSSOC)," src/unix-dll.mak
-       sedit "s,\$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) \$(GSSOX) \$(bindir)/\$(GSSOX_XENAME),," src/unix-dll.mak
+    sedit "s:\$(GSSOC) \$(GSSOX):\$(GSSOC):" src/unix-dll.mak
+    sedit "s:\$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) \$(GSSOX) \$(install_prefix)\$(bindir)/\$(GSSOX_XENAME)::" src/unix-dll.mak
    fi &&
    default_config &&
-   make &&
    make so &&
+  make  &&
    prepare_install &&
-   make install &&
-   make soinstall
+  make soinstall  &&
+  make install
 ) > $C_FIFO 2>&1
--- espgs/DEPENDS	2005-07-06 09:31:37.000000000 +0400
+++ espgs/DEPENDS	2006-09-30 15:22:20.372223000 +0400
@@ -6,4 +6,3 @@
 optional_depends  "%X"         ""  ""  "for X11 output"  &&
 optional_depends  "gtk+"                     ""  ""  "for gtk interface" &&
 optional_depends  "ghostscript-fonts-other"  ""  ""  "for additional fonts"
--- espgs/DETAILS	2005-09-25 09:31:47.000000000 +0400
+++ espgs/DETAILS	2006-09-30 15:26:59.645676500 +0400
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
-         VERSION=8.15.1
+         VERSION=8.15.3
-      SOURCE_VFY=sha1:55e51f6dcaa9c645ea500fa849b92a18dcabfd90
-        WEB_SITE=
+      SOURCE_VFY=sha1:198acd3805d41341e81a7873be79b9cad4d90b82
+        WEB_SITE=
-         UPDATED=20050925
-           SHORT="espgs is a fork of Ghostscript that provides CUPS output support."
-	   PSAFE="no"
+         UPDATED=20060930
+           SHORT="ESPgs is a fork of Ghostscript that provides CUPS output support"
 cat << EOF
 ESPgs is Easy Software Production's fork of Ghostscript that provides 
--- espgs/POST_INSTALL	2005-05-07 22:07:54.000000000 +0400
+++ espgs/POST_INSTALL	2006-09-30 15:21:04.215463500 +0400
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 if module_installed cups; then
    sedit "s,#application/vnd.cups-postscript,application/vnd.cups-postscript," /etc/cups/mime.convs
 ln -sf /usr/bin/gsc /usr/bin/gs
-------------- next part --------------
lvu submit espgs 9890f309f3d09100a37b25edd1c960fa  -
2.6.16 2.6.12 gcc-3.4.6 glibc-2.3.6

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