Lunar Idea: add CHECKED date field to module DETAILS

Duncan Gibson duncan.gibson at
Sat Sep 16 10:04:42 UTC 2006

[Posting to the ML because the 'Lunar Ideas' page is unavailable]

Why not add a 'CHECKED' date field which shows when the module
status was last verified?

UPDATED records when the last significant change was made that
requires re-installation, but doesn't differentiate between stable
modules that have been frozen for years, and modules that have not
been checked for years and might need updating.

Adding a CHECKED date field would prevent duplication of effort.
Sorting modules on the CHECKED date field (or lack of it) would
allow systematic verification of module status without having to
check the stable frozen modules each time.

To be really useful, this would require an addition to the core
tools (to allow 'lvu checked' for example) to list the checked
dates of modules. If the module doesn't have a CHECKED field, or
it is older than UPDATED, then UPDATED is shown instead.

Duncan / engelsman

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