Wireless connectivity

Benoit Valiron bvali087 at uottawa.ca
Fri Jul 7 03:04:11 UTC 2006

John Ohno wrote:
> The network has a password

What do you mean ? is it encrypted WEP or WPA, or is it behind a virtual
private network ?

> I don't know how
> to get it to recognize the network. Got any suggestions?

The two tools I know (and use) to set up my network card are:

1) iwconfig

2) wpa_supplicant

iwconfig mostly speaks the WEP encryption protocol, and is terribly easy
to set up. If you need to access to a WPA-encrypted network, then you
might need wpa_supplicant, which speaks both encryption method.

Of course, you need to have a working driver to use those tools.

Good luck,


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