weekly news - 20061222

maintainer@lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Dec 22 12:35:18 CET 2006


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (8)
  aspell-af-0.50-0: word list for Afrikaans
      glurp-0.11.6: A GTK2 based MPD client with simple and clean interface
      hplip-1.6.10: Hewlett Packard's drivers for HP printers.
  linuxwacom-0.7.6-4: Linux drivers for Wacom graphic tablets
    lprof- ICC version 2 compliant profiler
   nicotine+-1.2.6: a SoulSeek client
  php5-suhosin-5.2.0-0.9.16: Suhosin is an advanced protection system for PHP
       vigra-1.5.0: Vision with Generic Algorithms

New versions: (65)
  Nexuiz                  :             2.1 ->           2.2.1
  SDL_gfx                 :          2.0.13 ->          2.0.14
  XML-Simple              :            2.14 ->            2.16
  aide                    :            0.13 ->          0.13.1
  alacarte                :          0.10.1 ->          0.10.2
  amsn                    :            0.95 ->            0.96
  asc                     : ->
  aspell                  :          0.60.4 ->          0.60.5
  auctex                  :           11.82 ->           11.83
  audacious               :           1.2.1 ->           1.2.2
  audacious-plugins       :           1.2.2 ->           1.2.5
  autogen                 :           5.8.7 ->           5.8.8
  cdk                     :    5.0-20060220 ->    5.0-20060507
  cdt                     :           3.0.2 ->           3.1.1
  clamav                  :          0.88.6 ->          0.88.7
  dclib                   :           0.3.7 ->           0.3.8
  dd_rescue               :            1.11 ->            1.12
  devilspie               :          0.17.1 ->            0.19
  digikam                 :           0.8.2 ->           0.9.0
  digikamplugins          :           0.8.2 ->           0.9.0
  driconf                 :           0.9.0 ->           0.9.1
  enlightenment           : ->
  exaile                  :           0.2.6 ->         0.2.7b2
  fillets-ng              :           0.7.3 ->           0.7.4
  fvwm                    :          2.5.18 ->          2.5.19
  gamin                   :           0.1.7 ->           0.1.8
  gdb                     :             6.5 ->             6.6
  glib-2                  :            12.4 ->            12.6
  gocr                    :            0.41 ->            0.43
  goggles                 :           0.9.0 ->           0.9.1
  gphoto2                 :           2.2.0 ->           2.3.0
  gxine                   :           0.5.8 ->           0.5.9
  gzip                    :           1.3.8 ->           1.3.9
  highlight               :           2.4.7 ->           2.4.8
  hk_classes              :           0.8.2 ->           0.8.3
  icqnd                   : ->
  jasper                  :         1.701.0 ->         1.900.0
  kdbg                    :           2.0.4 ->           2.0.5
  knoda                   :           0.8.2 ->           0.8.3
  libdvdread              :           0.9.6 ->           0.9.7
  libgphoto2              :           2.2.1 ->           2.3.0
  libqalculate            :           0.9.4 ->           0.9.5
  liferea                 :          1.0.27 ->           1.2.0
  lvm2                    :         2.02.16 ->         2.02.17
  lynx                    :      2.8.6rel.4 ->           2.8.6
  makeself                :           2.1.3 ->           2.1.4
  nano                    :           2.0.1 ->           2.0.2
  opera                   :            9.02 ->            9.10
  opera-static            :            9.02 ->            9.10
  pcre                    :             6.7 ->             7.0
  polyester               :           0.9.3 ->             1.0
  qalculate-gtk           :           0.9.4 ->           0.9.5
  ruby                    :        1.8.5-p2 ->       1.8.5-p11
  scribus-devel           : ->
  sdparm                  :            0.97 ->            1.00
  sip                     :             4.5 ->           4.5.2
  snort                   : ->
  sox                     :         12.18.1 ->         12.18.2
  usbutils                :            0.71 ->            0.72
  valknut                 :           0.3.7 ->           0.3.8
  vte                     :          0.14.1 ->          0.15.0
  x86info                 :            1.13 ->            1.20
  xfsdump                 :          2.2.38 ->          2.2.42
  xfsprogs                :          2.8.16 ->          2.8.18
  xxdiff                  :           3.0.4 ->             3.2


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