weekly news - 20060811

maintainer@lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Aug 11 12:37:21 UTC 2006


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (9)
    Clipboard-0.09: Clipboard - Copy and paste with any OS
  TermReadKey-2.30: TermReadKey - A perl module for simple terminal control
         dtach-0.7: A program that emulates the detach feature of screen
      freevo-1.5.4: open-source home theatre PC platform
       grass-6.0.2: geospatial data management and analysis
     lrzsz-0.12.20: lrzsz is a free X/Y/ZMODEM implementation
     matroxset-0.4: matrox utility to switch output modes
      pylirc-0.0.5: Python lirc bindings
  ubuntulooks-0.9.11: the Ubuntu created GTK+-2 theme engine

New versions: (61)
  BitTorrent              :          4.20.6 ->          4.20.7
  File-DirWalk            :             0.2 ->             0.3
  IO-All                  :            0.33 ->            0.35
  acl                     :          2.2.34 ->          2.2.39
  acpitool                :           0.4.4 ->           0.4.6
  arpwatch                :          2.1a13 ->          2.1a15
  attr                    :          2.4.28 ->          2.4.32
  beagle                  :           0.0.9 ->           0.2.7
  blender                 :            2.42 ->           2.42a
  cairo                   :           1.2.0 ->           1.2.2
  clamav                  :          0.88.3 ->          0.88.4
  curl                    :          7.15.4 ->          7.15.5
  dmapi                   :           2.2.3 ->           2.2.5
  drivel                  :           2.0.2 ->           2.0.3
  evince                  :           0.5.4 ->           0.5.5
  fasm                    :            1.66 ->            1.67
  fox                     :           1.6.9 ->          1.6.13
  gcalctool               :          5.8.19 ->          5.8.20
  geda                    :        20050820 ->        20060123
  geda-docs               :        20050820 ->        20060123
  geda-gnetlist           :        20050820 ->        20060123
  geda-gschem             :        20050820 ->        20060123
  geda-gsymcheck          :        20050820 ->        20060123
  geda-symbols            :        20050820 ->        20060123
  geda-utils              :        20050820 ->        20060123
  gossip                  :            0.12 ->            0.14
  gtk-gnutella            :            0.96 ->          0.96.1
  icewm                   :          1.2.26 ->          1.2.27
  kdevelop                :           3.3.3 ->           3.3.4
  lesstif                 :          0.94.4 ->          0.95.0
  lftp                    :           3.5.2 ->           3.5.4
  libgeda                 :        20050820 ->        20060123
  libwpd                  :           0.8.4 ->           0.8.6
  liferea                 :          1.0.19 ->          1.0.21
  linux-2.6               : ->
  man-pages               :            2.36 ->            2.39
  memprof                 :           0.5.1 ->             0.6
  mmpython                :             0.4 ->           0.4.9
  mysql                   :          5.0.22 ->          5.0.24
  ncftp                   :           3.1.9 ->           3.2.0
  ndiswrapper             :            1.21 ->            1.23
  net-snmp                : ->           5.3.1
  pango                   :          1.13.5 ->          1.14.0
  pgadmin3                :           1.4.2 ->           1.4.3
  php                     :           4.4.2 ->           4.4.3
  phpMyAdmin              :           2.8.2 ->
  samba                   :         3.0.23a ->         3.0.23b
  sendmail                :          8.13.7 ->          8.13.8
  smb4k                   :           0.7.1 ->           0.7.2
  stgit                   :           0.8.1 ->            0.10
  tea                     :            13.3 ->          14.1.1
  tkcvs                   :           7_2_2 ->           8_0_3
  tkdvd                   :           4.0.2 ->           4.0.3
  trackballs              :           1.1.1 ->           1.1.2
  valgrind3               :           3.1.1 ->           3.2.0
  wine                    :          0.9.18 ->          0.9.19
  xfsdump                 :          2.2.33 ->          2.2.38
  xfsprogs                :          2.7.11 ->          2.8.10
  xlockmore               :            5.21 ->            5.22
  xmltv                   :          0.5.39 ->          0.5.44
  yafray                  :           0.0.8 ->           0.0.9


The Lunar-Linux team

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