Module submission - gst-plugins

Dave Brown dagbrown at
Wed Jun 8 12:56:27 UTC 2005

Terry Chan <tpchan at> writes:
> Next time try using a real editor, i.e. one that doesn't leave
> backup files in the directory that you are planning to submit a
> module from. See your DEPENDS~ file name.

And if you insist on using such an editor, put this into your
.emacs (or your .xemacs/init.el, if you're that way inclined):

    (setq backup-directory-alist '((".". "~/.emacsjunk/saves")))

That way, if you need the backup files, they're still available,
but you don't pollute your filesystem with annoying~ superfluous~

"TIP: Avoid the use of data.  Write pure code." 
                                        -- _Mr. Bunny's Big Cup o' Java_

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