grass and qgis

Dennis Veatch dveatch at
Wed Jul 13 12:22:32 UTC 2005

I'm building those new modules and have a question about how to do something. 
When grass installs it does so by adding the directory "grass-6.0.0" to 

I remember a while back a mention that specifing hard paths is not the 
preferred way in the BUILD modules. Well qgis won't build unless I specify 
"--with-grass=/usr/grass-6.0.0" during the ./confiugre phase.

I remember there was an existing module with a similar situation but I cannot 
find it or remember which it was. I understand (I think) what's being done 
with the Qt and KDE pathing but cannot wrap my brain around how to do the 
samething with grass.

Or would it be better to put grass in "/opt/lunar"? Though I'd still have the 
hard path question.

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