assigning multiple IP's to one NIC

Auke Kok sofar at
Mon Mar 29 17:44:59 GMT 2004

Remco Lubbers wrote:

>We useally assign a full c-class to one server, depending on the machine,
>devided over 1 to 3 NIC's.
>In RedHat and derivates one can simply assing one or more ranges of
>IP-addresses to one NIC by using /etc/sysconfig/ifcfg-ethX-rangeX.
>With another distro I use something like
>for i in `seq 1 254`; 
>	do echo "ifconfig eth0:$i xx.yy.zz.$i netmask up" ; 
>I looked at /etc/init.d/network, but couldn't find a way to set
>networkdevice-aliases within Lunar. have I overlooked something?

it actually works nicely with 'lnet', our little networking setup tool
just add interfaces named 'eth0:1' etc and you'll be able to configure
them as usual. I've used this method quite a few times.

unfortunately that's all manual work, but if you autogenerate the
corresponding files that get generated by lnet in /etc/config.d/network
you should be able to find out easily howto.


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