While I'm suggesting packages....

Dave Brown dagbrown at dagbrown.com
Wed Jan 21 23:28:11 GMT 2004

A friend of mine asked me to make Lunar packages for Canna and kinput2
for his Lunar Linux system, so that he could type in Japanese.  So here
they are in case anyone else finds them useful.  

For those not familiar with Japanese text entry, Canna is a kanji
conversion server, which converts kana (the phonetic form) into
kanji (the Chinese characters).  kinput2 takes keyboard input, and
uses Canna to select kanji, and presents a user interface for
those wishing to enter Japanese text.

To activate kinput2, run it as "kinput2 &" in your .xsession or
whatever, and make sure that:


is in your X session's environment.

Wnn and SJ3 conversion server fans will just have to wait (or roll
their own). :-)

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