guile compile problem

Carl R. Powers powers at
Wed Feb 4 10:54:44 GMT 2004

I ran into an interesting problem trying to install guile, required 
while trying to
install gnucash.  It would compile and install OK except it would fail 
in creation
of the cache copy of the installation with the following error:

Creating /var/log/lunar/compile/guile-1.6.4.bz2
Creating /var/log/lunar/install/guile-1.6.4
Creating /var/log/lunar/md5sum/guile-1.6.4
Creating /var/cache/lunar/guile-1.6.4-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2
tar: /usr/share/guile/1.6/ice-9/and-let*.scm 
/usr/share/guile/1.6/ice-9/and-let-star.scm: Cannot stat: No such file 
or directory
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
+ module size is 10144KB
mod_v =  mod= slib
Checking dependencies for slib
slib:  Adding required dependency guile
mod_v =  mod= guile
mod_v =  mod= guile

+ downloading module "guile"
+ Skipping download of "guile-1.6.4.tar.gz" for module "guile" (in cache)
Detected lin lock file: /var/lock/installing.guile
Now waiting for guile to finish installing or for the lock to clear.

Howver, an ls -al shows that both listed files do exist and are readable.

If I remove the lock file it just keeps repeating the process - the 
package is installed but all logs
except the compile log have been deleted so lunar doesn't know that it's 

I finally figured out that the tar process was reading the install-log 
to generate the cache copy.  I
was able to suspend the installation, using <ctrl-s>, after the install 
log was created and before the
cache creation started.  Editing the install-log, I found the entry

exactly as tar output it.  WRONG!  Apparently a parsing error in 
generating the install-log
caused the first two files to be listed on the same line, perhaps 
because of the way those files
are named.  Anyway, after correcting that error, I resumed the 
installation using <ctrl-q> and
all was well.

Don't know if there is any way of protecting against this kind of error, 
but maybe this will help
someone else if they experience a similar poblem.

Carl Powers
<powers at><powers at>

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