KDE 3.1->3.2 upgrade woes

Erik Søe Sørensen eriksoe at daimi.au.dk
Mon Apr 26 22:54:44 GMT 2004

Hi y'all.

I finally managed to upgrade to kde-3.2.2 (from 3.1.5)... had a few 
problems, and things aren't perfect yet.

I had two kinds of QT3 building problems:
   First(?) I had to remove '--xft' from the configure args; this may be 
because I have misconfigured XOrg when I installed that? (Still, if that 
was so easy for me, then using XFT should be optional for QT.)
   The second I can't really remember - but my .bash_history suggests 
that lrm'ing qt3 was the fix (probably bin-path or lib-path shadowing 

KDE forgot my shortcut key settings, and the ~/.bash_profile is no 
longer read (I found out ~/.xprofile is now used instead for X logins).
The transition could have been made smoother :(
I suggest a symlink (/etc/xprofile->/etc/profile) be made.
I don't know if a symlink (.xprof->.bash_prof) could be made for each 
user; if not, maybe /opt/lunar/kde/3/share/config/kdm/Xsession should be 
altered to check for ~/.bash_profile if no ~/.xprofile exists.

KDM lost its background.
I figured out that the line
   krootimage /opt/lunar/kde/3/share/config/kdm/backgroundrc &
should be added to /opt/lunar/kde/3/share/config/kdm/Xsetup .

Then there's anti-aliased fonts.  It took me some time to figure out 
that I had to lin font-config.  That fixed fonts in applications like 
Mozilla - but KDE itself still uses ugly fonts (most notably the one 
used e.g. in the taskbar).

Bottom line: there are some ease-of-upgrade points here (which cost me 
some time - I hope these will be fixed so others won't have the same 
problems), and I'd still like to know how to get KDE to use nice, 
anti-aliased fonts.

(Is any of these points related to the program genkdmconf? It certainly 
contains some related strings...)

/Erik  [hoping he sounds more contributing than whining :]
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