weird lunar update problem

Sebastien Cereze scereze at
Wed Mar 5 10:09:54 GMT 2003

Hi everybody,

I wanted to upgrade today to get the new Xfree when i realised that I have a little trouble to update.
I am running a laptop that access internet through a lan connection. The computer hosting the connection is based on Windows XP with adsl.

My problem is when i run lunar update, it's downloading an old moonbase. Curiously the name of the moonbase is always one day later than the current day (moonbase20030306.bz2 for the 05 march 2003 for example).

I managed to install Xfree4.3 by downloading directly the moonbase and installed it in the good directory. But again, if i do a lunar update, it's overwritting the current moonbase by an old one.

I suspected a cache trouble coming from my connection (still looking at this in windows).

Any idea how to solve my problem ?

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