Lunar-Linux ISO 1.7.0-dev5

Dave Brown dagbrown at
Mon Oct 14 03:36:26 CEST 2013

On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 10:04:16PM +0200, Peter de Ridder wrote:
> If there are problems with root mounted as ro, that has probably to do
> with fstab not being generated properly. If this happens, give a full
> description of the steps taken during the installation. Including
> partition layout, mounting and if you redid any previous step.

Because I wanted to try the silliest possible option to see what would
break upon install, I decided that I would have a btrfs filesystem,
filling up the entire disk, since that was a possible option.

The installer warned me that I couldn't boot from btrfs, which is of
course not true--grub2 has no trouble booting from btrfs.

More seriously though, it reported an internal error when it tried to
set a UUID for the root filesystem, which is fair enough, but then it
went on to make a vfstab which had the UUID it'd tried to set.  When it
rebooted after installation (which went buttery smoothly), the root
filesystem was mounted read-only and I had to remount it by hand, then
fix the vfstab.

I figured it'd break quite a lot worse than that, actually.  For my next
trick, maybe I'll try getting a zfs root filesystem.


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