JPEG 9 - possible issues

v4hn me at
Fri Feb 1 11:42:37 CET 2013

Hey folks,

I just pushed a version update to jpeg 9
which was released 2 weeks ago.

If you find any application that still breaks with this
new version this is most likely due to one of the
following two issues:

- the module doesn't respect libjpeg's "boolean"
  datatype, but uses 1 or true instead of TRUE
  (like poppler, see poppler/BUILD for a fix)

- the module defines its own TRUE/FALSE, but does
  not define a corresponding "boolean" datatype
  To fix this include the lines "typedef int boolean;"
  and "#define HAVE_BOOLEAN" before including jpeglib.h
  (see e.g. our abiword module/ abiword/BUILD)

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