zdeprecated: cleanup.

Jean Bruenn jean.bruenn at ip-minds.de
Sun Apr 29 15:44:36 CEST 2012

> Because xmms2 is a piece of crap. I have it installed now. Even
> updated it to lastest version. Still crap. This is not xmms, it has
> no gui and works different. Why I need to run server to just listen
> to the music? Why only in text mode? Why it is named xmms when it is
> not xmms? They used name xmms just to attract people.

Agreed. Thats why I use audacious. However: There are gui clients for
xmms2. No idea if they're in Lunar, though. Xmms2 seems to be a
server-client variant where you can connect various clients (gui) to
the server and seems you got only the textclient. Maybe just xmms2 in
lunar is packed wrongly, no idea. I'm only using mplayer2, audacious
and mpg123.

Btw. I hate this fucking maillinglistcrap when people write to the
maillinglist and CC me - I get all mail twice and if i click on
"answer" or "reply" the mail usually goes to the sender and not to the
maillinglist, because i picked the wrong of those two mails. Who the
fuck invented this useless double mailing .. :( I wanna hit him with an
old suse handbook!

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