[patch] glibc-2.15

Jean Bruenn jean.bruenn at ip-minds.de
Sun Apr 15 22:48:42 CEST 2012

> The Lunar iso is old. When I will find some time will start working
> on new one. Then will do fresh build with new glibc and other base
> module all fresh on iso.

You might (if you want to limit your testing to 32bit only, yet) also
use a chroot setup and my recent chroot-image to do testing. It's
pretty up to date, so all you would need to do is wget'ing it,
unpacking it to a folder, mount -o bind ... some directories
like /dev/ /sys etc. then from 64bit systems do a linux32
chroot /path/to/the/unpacked/thingy then type in "su -" and your
testing environment is ready - Just grep the glibc code, put it into
your zlocal, lin -rc glibc (probably better to recompile the whole
core) and then relin all installed (~100) modules or do a lunar rebuild
within it. If those 100 modules succeed the test (and on a recent box
this shouldn't take very long) we're a step further in testing.

Then, I would start to try some other more specific things, like for
example compiling xfce4, maybe some modules like apache2.

Testing glibc and gcc is a tricky thing because to seriously test you
would need to recompile _all_ apps in lunar but nobody of us has all
apps installed and most of them fail in compiling regardless of glibc.

If it's worth anything i might create some testing images for
developers (anyone wants something like that?) for example my "base"
image with those 100 modules, one with xfce4 pre-installed, one with
kde pre-installed - or we just have to discuss about a list of modules
which _have_ to compile fine before a bump of glibc is allowed.

Just some thoughts.

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